Canadian Stuff


Well-Known Member
It depends on what they are required to do, and some tasks can be done by naval reservists and there are large numbers of such veterans living in the Halifax area. It is a consequence of low unemployment and plenty of opportunities. Also, a 5-year tour could be a pathway to citizenship and a good start for many. You can barely train a sailor in one year and after that life gets easier for most, specialists take longer and the more highly trained the more valuable to private business, often to arms suppliers or contractors.


Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Of course Pollyrev will need to tweet out a response to Singh now. And in all likelihood it will ring as hollow as his initial statement, and will spin it (more lies) to attack either Trudeau or Singh himself once again. :-?
there is too much going on in America for me to be able to pay as much attention to this as i would like to, but it looks like PP is trump lite...and you all would do well to end his political career asap...


Well-Known Member
there is too much going on in America for me to be able to pay as much attention to this as i would like to, but it looks like PP is trump lite...and you all would do well to end his political career asap...
Yes, as I posted I was somewhat aware that's it doesn't rank anywhere near in importance as to what is going on in the states or the rest of the world. But, by the same token, it just resonates with me as something "along the same lines", so that is why I did reply to DIY's post. Also, thanks DIY and all who post for your incessant digging for tweets and articles on all the issues facing the world today. :hump:

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Yes, as I posted I was somewhat aware that's it doesn't rank anywhere near in importance as to what is going on in the states or the rest of the world. But, by the same token, it just resonates with me as something "along the same lines", so that is why I did reply to DIY's post. Also, thanks DIY and all who post for your incessant digging for tweets and articles on all the issues facing the world today. :hump:
i'm not denigrating the importance of the Canadian electoral process, or their government in general....You guys are our closest allies, and I think you all are quite important...but it's like having a very nice interesting neighbor, AND 100 unruly, rude, mean, lying children to supervise at the same time, we appreciate you being there, but our hands are full at the minute.


Well-Known Member
i'm not denigrating the importance of the Canadian electoral process, or their government in general....You guys are our closest allies, and I think you all are quite important...but it's like having a very nice interesting neighbor, AND 100 unruly, rude, mean, lying children to supervise at the same time, we appreciate you being there, but our hands are full at the minute.
Couldn't agree more Roger.


Well-Known Member
My neighbour will no longer be growing sweet potatoes as Loblaws squeezed their profits and physical labour is becoming more difficult to find. Fertilizer and fuel were also contributing factors but to a lesser degree.

Avian flu took a couple of my chickens last year and again this year. Nocturnal predation took half a half dozen laying hens - raccoons are very crafty at bypassing security. :cuss:
The garden is a place of peace/tranquility, where miracles happen - from seed to food/medicine - what's more miraculous than that!

Here is my smallest garden with lots of sunflowers for the bluejays and two long rows of peanuts. Quite a bit of kale, spinach and peppers too. Radishes, carrots, kohlrabi, beets, lettuces, garlic, rhubarb, and mustard are in the mix. Oregano, parsley, thyme, chives, basil for spices and peppermint are great fresh or dried. Mexican marigolds are on the predominant windward side to waft pyrethrins, to keep the undesirable insects at bay.

View attachment 5278524

The other gardens contain butternut squash, watermelon, muskmelon, and several varieties of tomatoes.

Local markets are numerous here. The seeded sourdough bread is a recent find that is exceptional, toasted with crunchy peanut butter and buckwheat honey.
Looks great! We finally got into canning last year due to the insane tomato yields we got - ended up making 12 litres of spaghetti sauce, and about 5 litres of salsa, and about 5 more litres of dill pickles.
Our communities need more fruit and vegetable gardening in them, we can drastically cut our reliance on produce imports and save our money for those exotic fruits that just won't grow here (bananas, pineapple, etc.) organize communities to maintain these gardens, maybe even engage the homeless in urban centers to take a more active role in garden work.