Canadian Stuff


Well-Known Member
Investigations center around crimes, not makeup, unless you live in magatville USA or want to. Trump goes about in orange face all the time, a truly remarkable thing, the man wears more makeup than a drag queen FFS and could be busted in Texas, or soon could be.
ahh the typical Liberal/Democrat response ...




Well-Known Member
ahh the typical Liberal/Democrat response ...


View attachment 5281173
He did have Indo Canadians dress him up for their party and they expertly wound the turban on his head...

So much for moral equivalency, the only problem I have with Justin is he didn't stomp the convoy cockroaches a lot fucking harder, but DoFo was AWOL and too afraid to act. Most restrictions were provincial, as is responsibility to deal with roads and highways, it was because by DoFo's cowardice and dereliction of duty that the circus persisted.


Well-Known Member
ahh the typical Liberal/Democrat response ...


View attachment 5281173
Some people look at the history of a person to help build a character assessment, to see if their recent actions and statements are a pattern from the past and that is who they truly are or does it appear to be an act. We have all done things in our past that we regret, hindsight 20/20 and all, so I would be impressed if you could make a legitimate argument that JT is a hurtful racist.

The above is why PP doesn't get completely vilified for his comments about former residential school survivors back in 2008, just a few hours before the government (and more importantly, it was his boss at the time) was to issue a formal apology:

Poilievre had come under heavy criticism for telling CFRA News Talk Radio that he wasn't sure Canada was "getting value for all of this money" being spent to compensate former students of federally financed residential schools. "My view is that we need to engender the values of hard work and independence and self-reliance. That's the solution in the long run — more money will not solve it,"

I assume we both agree that his recent actions and statements hold more impact as to who he is as a person now? I believe that any politician that stuck their foot that far into their mouth(as he did), would be extra vigilant in distancing themselves from anything that would indicate any association to those prior beliefs unless they didn't really mean the apology and it was just a forced by his boss.

So what does PP do in 2023?

Poilievre delivers speech to a group criticized for residential school 'denialism'

Weird, right?


Well-Known Member
It's gorgeous out there, some very warm sunny weather here in south Ottawa.
Some of you in this thread are ok, you know who you are. No comment on the rest.
Time to go have a beer or two with friends on a patio. Buh-bye.


Well-Known Member
Some people look at the history of a person to help build a character assessment, to see if their recent actions and statements are a pattern from the past and that is who they truly are or does it appear to be an act. We have all done things in our past that we regret, hindsight 20/20 and all, so I would be impressed if you could make a legitimate argument that JT is a hurtful racist.

The above is why PP doesn't get completely vilified for his comments about former residential school survivors back in 2008, just a few hours before the government (and more importantly, it was his boss at the time) was to issue a formal apology:

Poilievre had come under heavy criticism for telling CFRA News Talk Radio that he wasn't sure Canada was "getting value for all of this money" being spent to compensate former students of federally financed residential schools. "My view is that we need to engender the values of hard work and independence and self-reliance. That's the solution in the long run — more money will not solve it,"

I assume we both agree that his recent actions and statements hold more impact as to who he is as a person now? I believe that any politician that stuck their foot that far into their mouth(as he did), would be extra vigilant in distancing themselves from anything that would indicate any association to those prior beliefs unless they didn't really mean the apology and it was just a forced by his boss.

So what does PP do in 2023?

Poilievre delivers speech to a group criticized for residential school 'denialism'

Weird, right?
Thank you Canon.:hump: I'm not the brightest, but I am getting better at recognizing the truth when I know more of the facts. Thanks again for your post, w/links.


Well-Known Member
Trudeau’s not the greatest but Singh is keeping him on his toes.

Pollievre is a populist piece of poop. Let’s hope Conservatives never form a government and Liberals never form a majority.
We have had our best government with liberal minority governments, and it keeps them honest and, on their toes, with public inquires when they fuck up. I like responsible government more than I like the liberal party, or some elements in it, speaking as a liberal and we are a fickle bunch, country first types.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
fascism is truly disgusting, especially when it masquerades as 'Liberalism'.
Thank you for making my point.
Peace. Out.
i smell sanctimony....It's smells like young stupid kids and horseshit...
Those protestors were fascists, forcing their minority views on everyone they came in contact with, all the people trying to live their lives and go to work, get their kids to school, sleep without an airhorn waking them up in the middle of the night...Did you protest for them?...I didn't think so...


Well-Known Member
We have had our best government with liberal minority governments, and it keeps them honest and, on their toes, with public inquires when they fuck up. I like responsible government more than I like the liberal party, or some elements in it, speaking as a liberal and we are a fickle bunch, country first types.
I used to be a member of the Liberal Party, now I’m a New Democrat. I don’t know what the provincial Liberals are like there but the provincial NDP here are constantly fund raising.


Well-Known Member
i smell sanctimony....It's smells like young stupid kids and horseshit...
Those protestors were fascists, forcing their minority views on everyone they came in contact with, all the people trying to live their lives and go to work, get their kids to school, sleep without an airhorn waking them up in the middle of the night...Did you protest for them?...I didn't think so...
There’s a real possibility he/she/them doesn’t know the meaning of fascism.


Well-Known Member
I used to be a member of the Liberal Party, now I’m a New Democrat. I don’t know what the provincial Liberals are like there but the provincial NDP here are constantly fund raising.
I used to be NDP, but I like more fiscal responsibility the NDP have no experience with governing and have fucked up epically, the Tories are assholes and are republican lite. The rightwing ideology is dying they are at the end of the road, wealth inequality to too great already and shoveling more money at the super rich won't help at all. However the economic center of gravity for the planet is the USA and until they change the fundamental economic dynamic, we are along for the ride into the new gilded age of billionaire Titians like Elon et al.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
There’s a real possibility he/she/them doesn’t know the meaning of fascism.

  1. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
  2. A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.
  3. Oppressive, dictatorial control.
