real quick question about ph and nutes


Active Member
when I add my nutes to my water im about to feed with in soil. it changes the ph drastically to the down side. i have to add copious ammounts of ph up to get it back to 6.5-6.8 should I be doing that? or just ph the water before adding nutes....add nutes...and water? im about to water so a quick response gets +rep! thanks guys!


Well-Known Member
sounds alright to me........... what kind of nutes? how r u reading your pH? i usually add nutes then water after, having both the water and nutes pHed correctly.


Active Member
ok. fox farm nutes, ph testing water drops in a vial.

I mix in a 6 gallon bucket (just shower water.) sits for 2-5 days. then i add nutes. then i ph.

I can ph the water first...but after nutes it needs like 3 tblspoons of ph up to get it back to normal. but the color is off just a little im wondering if its just the nutes fucking with the ph solution or something? and i actually have a ph of 8 or 9 something! that would suck...plants seem to be doing ok though...


Well-Known Member
I add nutes to water first then check PH, then add PHup to get to 6.2 to 6.5... If your PH is off, You might not see any differences right now but by the time you do have problems it will be at a bad time, maybe when flowering, then you will wish you just PHed your water everytime,, I learned this the hard way,,, my buds were very weak and plants got shocked and stunted,,,Ive PHed ever since and no problems and twice as much bud... GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR GROW....:leaf:


Well-Known Member
i have never used foxfarms but i do know that nutrient solutions can alter your pH drastically so whats happening seems normal to me. you might want to invest in a pH digital pH meter, they are well worth the $80 or so to get one. how many plants r u growing? got pics?


Well-Known Member
when I add my nutes to my water im about to feed with in soil. it changes the ph drastically to the down side. i have to add copious ammounts of ph up to get it back to 6.5-6.8 should I be doing that? or just ph the water before adding nutes....add nutes...and water? im about to water so a quick response gets +rep! thanks guys!
Yeah, that's normal.


Active Member
awesome thanks guys!. yeah I have pics of them! ill post others once i reopen the closet. ( I just emptied a CO2 cartridge in there.)

so i've been doing it just seemed like an absurd amount of ph up when when it's just water a couple drops can fluctuate the ph drastically. the nutes are almost like a size buffer. requiring more ph adjuster to adjust for a certain ammount.

19 lowryder #1's and 1 bagseed. (super purple!)



Active Member
thanks for the links! (checking them now)

also I forgot to mention i checked the run-off of the water. a beautiful 6.5!