R U Experienced with Pyrethrum? Please HELP!!!


Well-Known Member
looks to me more like a feeding/ph problem but if you are sure it is from the spray i would suggest rinsing them off really well every day when the light go out and keep them fed with optimum ppms and ph levels


Well-Known Member
looks to me more like a feeding/ph problem but if you are sure it is from the spray i would suggest rinsing them off really well every day when the light go out and keep them fed with optimum ppms and ph levels
Yeah, I don't blame you for saying that, 99% of peoples problems on here are PH and nute related, so you could say that to anyone and have a pretty good chance at being their hero, but seeing as how this happenned overnight after using the spray and I keep my PH and nutes in check, I will stick with the spray as the cause.

Thanks yall!


Well-Known Member
well judging by the pics and info you gave, that is what i see happening. a little more info would help diagnose the problem. i have over used pyrethrum sprays and the only thing i have ever seen happen is yellow spots will occur where the plants get burned, by the moisture and lights, not the pyrethrum. i only saw one plant that had what i am describing and it was on the back right on like the second pic. the rest is not what you have signs of

so let me elaborate.

the first pic in that thread looks like your mother correct?

i see a few leaves curling down pretty bad which suggests to me either overwatering or overfeeding or both. also the tips of your leaves have burns which is the first sign of being right on the edge of overfeeding. also clawing leaves can be a sign of ph problems.

a perfectly healthy plant fed an improper balance of nutrients and incorrect ph can start to claw within 15 minutes, and can show signs of some forms of problems and burns within a day or so.

the reason i think it is ph is because i see a few different signs of deficiencys such as zinc, and calcium, which is most likely caused by an unbalanced ph.

now the spray may have clogged up your plants "lungs" which caused these problems to show more quickly but i dont think just a pyrethrum spray would do that kind of damage.

have you measured the run off for ph and ppms?
when had you fed last?
what do you feed?
did you spray with the lights on or off?
is there fans or ventalation?

more info will help peeps diagnose your problem better, and help you get your plants happy again


also are the babies seedlings or clones?

seedlings are much more fragile and clones taken from unhealthy mothers will exhibit the same characteristics, and show signs of deficiencies and problems much faster because they do not have a root mass to uptake nutes, and are using the nutes stored.


Well-Known Member
well judging by the pics and info you gave, that is what i see happening. a little more info would help diagnose the problem. i have over used pyrethrum sprays and the only thing i have ever seen happen is yellow spots will occur where the plants get burned, by the moisture and lights, not the pyrethrum. i only saw one plant that had what i am describing and it was on the back right on like the second pic. the rest is not what you have signs of

so let me elaborate.

the first pic in that thread looks like your mother correct?

i see a few leaves curling down pretty bad which suggests to me either overwatering or overfeeding or both. also the tips of your leaves have burns which is the first sign of being right on the edge of overfeeding. also clawing leaves can be a sign of ph problems.

a perfectly healthy plant fed an improper balance of nutrients and incorrect ph can start to claw within 15 minutes, and can show signs of some forms of problems and burns within a day or so.

the reason i think it is ph is because i see a few different signs of deficiencys such as zinc, and calcium, which is most likely caused by an unbalanced ph.

now the spray may have clogged up your plants "lungs" which caused these problems to show more quickly but i dont think just a pyrethrum spray would do that kind of damage.

have you measured the run off for ph and ppms?
when had you fed last?
what do you feed?
did you spray with the lights on or off?
is there fans or ventalation?

more info will help peeps diagnose your problem better, and help you get your plants happy again


also are the babies seedlings or clones?

seedlings are much more fragile and clones taken from unhealthy mothers will exhibit the same characteristics, and show signs of deficiencies and problems much faster because they do not have a root mass to uptake nutes, and are using the nutes stored.
Flo, I understand I didn't give enough info. I thought someone might see the pics and say "Yep thats Py damage mine looked just like that when I applied that shit". If I were to just look at the pics and give a diagnosis I would say exactly what you are. I have already learned my lessons on PH a while back. This is my third round with this strain and I have never had these problems until the day after I treated them with Pyrethrum. Anyways, they are on their way to recovery and looking much better. I appreciate your help and everyonme elses... Thanks


Well-Known Member
Well Flo u were right, that damage wasn't all from Pyrethrum. To me it looks identical to the Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus, commonly passed around by thrips. I thought they were cured and they are far from it. I guess Thrips are very common in the fall months when harvests are finished and they have no where to go so they hunt down indoor gardens and greenhouses. I reccommend everyone who reads this to buy screens for all intakes, and any exhaust vent that isn't running all the time, once u get a virus thats it, bye bye plants.. Well u can still grow them but if you arent half way thru flowering or more I would say start over...


Well-Known Member
Well I am sorry to hear that bud.. I hope you can get em turned around. I am getting rid of some thrips myself, I hope they dont bring some virus my way..

well i hope you can still salvage em and just keep fighting the good fight!
