Examples of GOP Leadership

Additional laws is a slippery slope for me, would much rather people just stop watching them. If you give the state that sort of authority it leaves it open to abuse if some nefarious force comes into power. This shouldn't even be an issue, but alas, aggressive ignorance is celebrated as a life choice here.

They know their audience though. It was very telling they were more concerned about competition from bizzaro world internet news companies than they were from legitimate news outlets.
We're on a slippery slope already...what the fuck ever it takes to stop the slide and kick the fucking republicans the fuck off the back of America...
Legislate them out of fucking existence.
You are not dealing with normal people here folks, not with the kinds of accusations they are making, designed to manipulate the simpleminded with outrageous lies, if it's not pedophilia it is sex slave trafficking. I think there are more profitable lines of work for Joe than running international whores for the 4 years when he wasn't VP, unless he was running a whorehouse out of the Whitehouse. Ya need to ask yourself how many people who vote for republicans actually believe this horse shit and if they don't believe it and still vote republican what does that say about them?

I do hope Jack busts this treasonous bitch, or maybe it would be better if she stumped for Trump while he is in his cell and running for POTUS, then bust her.

gateway pundit...at adfontes, they score 16 out of 60 for reliability, and are to the right of "hyper right"....
so it's digital toilet paper waiting to be used....
seems an appropriate place for shit like this.
She Bitch Speaketh -


Far-right Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) inspired disbelief Tuesday with her response to Dominion Voting Systems’ $787 million settlement with Fox News in its defamation suit against the conservative network.

Fox admitted to broadcasting falsehoods in a statement released after settling the case as it headed to trial. It centered on baseless claims made on air by some Fox personalities that Dominion’s voting machines somehow flipped the 2020 election against former President Donald Trump.

Gateway Pundit joins BitchUte at the bottom of the barrel.


I assume that was a response to some troll that Sunni erased.

But really, Bitchute? Sounds more like poopchute.
I just do not get why Disney puts up with his shit? Shut the park down, and refer all inquiries to the office of governor desantis...
Run full page ads in EVERY paper explaining that Disney does not feel like it can do business in a fascist state, and will remain closed, perhaps indefinitely, until a friendlier, less fascist administration takes over.
They could afford a month or two shut down, use it to do deep cleaning and repairs, while desantis and his brown shirts try to explain why they're destroying thousand of people's vacations, so their mickey mouse governor can feel like he can actually beat mickey mouse...
I just do not get why Disney puts up with his shit? Shut the park down, and refer all inquiries to the office of governor desantis...
Run full page ads in EVERY paper explaining that Disney does not feel like it can do business in a fascist state, and will remain closed, perhaps indefinitely, until a friendlier, less fascist administration takes over.
They could afford a month or two shut down, use it to do deep cleaning and repairs, while desantis and his brown shirts try to explain why they're destroying thousand of people's vacations, so their mickey mouse governor can feel like he can actually beat mickey mouse...
If they wanna go to war with meatball Ron, they should wait until he makes his presidential run and change the name of the place to "Woke Land", dedicated to educating and entertaining children in empathy and inclusiveness. I mean the movie Bambi really did hurt hunting quite a bit, but the effect took years to be seen.
I assume that was a response to some troll that Sunni erased.

But really, Bitchute? Sounds more like poopchute.
It was in response to the ok post directly above mine, that contained a tweet from Gateway Pundit presenting Gan’s deluded rant as news.

Those two media presences are perhaps not even the bottom of the barrel, but the grease-stained soil under the barrel.
When Trump is federally indicted over the documents, they will move into meatball Ron's camp and he will have a clear run while Donald is in jail or prison. However, to lose the nomination to a convicted felon serving time in prison would sure be embarrassing! If Donald is broke and in prison the democrats should crowd fund his presidential campaign, he will get at least 10% of the republican popular vote from his cell as a bull moose, even if they have to write him on the ballot in some states.

Win the presidency and win the congress by enough in 24 and shit can happen at light speed, while the republicans many advantages are destroyed, starting with foxnews and HR1, 2026 should be an easier lift.

Trump racks up Hill endorsements, while DeSantis faces headwinds

84 views Apr 19, 2023 #CNN #News
While Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis held a meet-and-greet on Capitol Hill, former President Donald Trump and his team aimed to be one step ahead – planning a dinner at his Mar-a-Lago resort with members of the Florida congressional delegation just two days after the DeSantis reception.
When Trump is federally indicted over the documents, they will move into meatball Ron's camp and he will have a clear run while Donald is in jail or prison. However, to lose the nomination to a convicted felon serving time in prison would sure be embarrassing! If Donald is broke and in prison the democrats should crowd fund his presidential campaign, he will get at least 10% of the republican popular vote from his cell as a bull moose, even if they have to write him on the ballot in some states.

Win the presidency and win the congress by enough in 24 and shit can happen at light speed, while the republicans many advantages are destroyed, starting with foxnews and HR1, 2026 should be an easier lift.

Trump racks up Hill endorsements, while DeSantis faces headwinds

84 views Apr 19, 2023 #CNN #News
While Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis held a meet-and-greet on Capitol Hill, former President Donald Trump and his team aimed to be one step ahead – planning a dinner at his Mar-a-Lago resort with members of the Florida congressional delegation just two days after the DeSantis reception.

Dominion was worth about 80 billion dollars, and they settled for over ten times the company's worth, so you can't judge them too harshly. It is the job of congress to deal with foxnews and those like them, not the courts and not Dominion voting, this lawsuit should never have been necessary in the first place. Win in 24 for justice too and killing foxnews will be part of that justice, and a cure for much of what is wrong with America.

Fox News still faces a $2.7 billion defamation threat
Dominion was worth about 80 billion dollars, and they settled for over ten times the company's worth, so you can't judge them too harshly. It is the job of congress to deal with foxnews and those like them, not the courts and not Dominion voting, this lawsuit should never have been necessary in the first place. Win in 24 for justice too and killing foxnews will be part of that justice, and a cure for much of what is wrong with America.

Fox News still faces a $2.7 billion defamation threat
80 million, til yesterday
If Murdoch tries to settle with Smartmatic, I suggest they settle for considerably more than 2.7 billion.

My rationale is this:
The way Fox and Murdoch rolled over and peed themselves strongly suggests that they really really don’t want this to go to trial. With Dominion’s doubtless hot&spicy discovery in hand, Smartmatic’s legal team is looking at a galactic slam-dunk.

This is the case of a lifetime for a litigator. The reputational benefit of riding this perfect wave is almost beyond price! Maybe a dozen lawyers look to be propelled into the sort of celebrity that’ll bring in many millions to them and to the future firms of which they’ll be senior partner.

So if Smartmatic settles, it is only reasonable that their legal talent be handsomely compensated for giving up this sort of long-term revenue engine.

Not to mention the surrender of headline after tasty headline that the unfolding trial will confer upon them in media not affiliated with the defendant. This is yuuuuge. It’s fifty kilos of lawyer cocaine. A destroyer of many plaintiff septa.

So I wouldn’t settle for a dime less than oh, four bn five. Don’t put the checkbook away quite yet, Rupert dear.
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I just do not get why Disney puts up with his shit? Shut the park down, and refer all inquiries to the office of governor desantis...
Run full page ads in EVERY paper explaining that Disney does not feel like it can do business in a fascist state, and will remain closed, perhaps indefinitely, until a friendlier, less fascist administration takes over.
They could afford a month or two shut down, use it to do deep cleaning and repairs, while desantis and his brown shirts try to explain why they're destroying thousand of people's vacations, so their mickey mouse governor can feel like he can actually beat mickey mouse...
Even in Florida, money talks and bullshit walks. Disney makes its money from non-Floridians and is protecting its brand to ensure they continue to choose Disney over other venues. Disney is the states biggest contributor to Florida's economy and 75,000 direct employees. For every 100 Disney jobs there are about 400 indirect jobs*. So, Desantis is threatening 375,000 workers. He's a paper tiger in all of this. Disney isn't going to bluff him, they will simply outlast him because that man isn't going to crater Florida's economy. Talk is cheap. Disney can let him talk all he wants.

Even in Florida, money talks and bullshit walks. Disney makes its money from non-Floridians and is protecting its brand to ensure they continue to choose Disney over other venues. Disney is the states biggest contributor to Florida's economy and 75,000 direct employees. For every 100 Disney jobs there are about 400 indirect jobs*. So, Desantis is threatening 375,000 workers. He's a paper tiger in all of this. Disney isn't going to bluff him, they will simply outlast him because that man isn't going to crater Florida's economy. Talk is cheap. Disney can let him talk all he wants.

I was almost the mission of Disney to entertain and teach children, like Sesame Street, they are seen as enemies by those who hate and make a living off hate. Disney will never be forgiven for Bambi, it took years, but it turned many former kids off hunting and killing. What are they teaching kids? Love and tolerance for the most part expanding their minds and growing empathy for others. It would be the same for mindfulschools.org or anybody else who is trying to do some good and teach kids values.
The courts are not really that important in America, its gridlocked government that gives them their power and a larger-than-life role. Pass clear and unambiguous laws against guns and protecting women's basic human rights and no matter how conservative the courts are they will be going up against an elected government, they are not, and if they have the constitution at their backs, it had better be clear about the issue. There is a lot of concern over the courts, but that is because the government is grid locked and cannot function to solve the nation's problems. Remove the gridlock and the courts won't be much of an issue, the democrats operate inside the US constitution and don't even need to push the envelope.

Elections with clear results will either fix America or kill it, if the republicans win.
It was in response to the ok post directly above mine, that contained a tweet from Gateway Pundit presenting Gan’s deluded rant as news.

Those two media presences are perhaps not even the bottom of the barrel, but the grease-stained soil under the barrel.
Accurate source or not, that was MTG on the video and her comments and accusations were shocking.