help change the corrupt government


Well-Known Member
you guys are that lazy to not to sign a petition that could change your life...history is going to be made either way this goes, we got to stop what our founding fathers never wanted to happen...(somethings eating my brain) thats right fucker the pure fact that you asshole dont want to get up and do something thats whats eating my think nothings going to change, i guarantee you dont try to act on this try and grow some pot, whatchu gonna do when theres no constitution anymore there goes your rights out the door...GET THE BIG PICTURE, WHAT IF IM RIGHT? WHAT IF THE DOCUMENTARYS ARE RIGHT? DO YOU REALLY THINK ITS NOT POSSIBLE FOR THEM TO REALLY TURN US INTO SLAVES. THINK ABOUT THE PEOPLE THAT CLAIMED THESE FACTS...MOST OF THEM ARE DEAD...MOST OF THEM COMMITED "SUICIDE" SOMEONE THAT HAS A MESSAGE DOESNT COMMIT SUICIDE THEY GET KILLED BECAUSE THEY KNOW TOO MUCH... I THINK YOU ALL ARE SCARED TO KNOW TO MUCH AND DONT WANT TO END UP LIKE THE REST, I GUESS THATS OKAY IF YOU DONT BELIVE YOU HAVE OR NEED ANY RIGHTS...THESE PEOPLE THAT THE DOCS ARE ABOUT ARE NOT PUBLICLY DENYING THIS SHIT, I DONT WANT TO BE OWNED


Well-Known Member
I think that it would be quite a challenge for a handful of people to turn millions of people into slaves today, educated people at least. dare I say impossible?


Well-Known Member
what if a plane crashes through your house? what if you just die? what if what if what if.. what if you just live your life and stop forcing people to live yours?
here's a tip for ya. get a gun, stop thinking through emotions and open your fuckin eyes.


Well-Known Member
technically our federal income tax is unconstitutional.

if you look at it, it says sumthin like, "there can be no direct apportioned tax"
something against you.

and the federal definition are apportioned taxes

state taxes are fine....but there is no law that says you HAVE to pay federal taxes or file federal income taxes....

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
technically our federal income tax is unconstitutional.

if you look at it, it says sumthin like, "there can be no direct apportioned tax"
something against you.

and the federal definition are apportioned taxes

state taxes are fine....but there is no law that says you HAVE to pay federal taxes or file federal income taxes....

yeah tell that to weslie snipes and others who have tried that shit.


Well-Known Member
finally someone on my side here, tell that to no one you pay taxes cause they got you to belive that its law there is no law the constitution rules out any law

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Just's a pentacle when it's used for witchcraft...a pentagram for satanic purposes.

As for the original post...I am not a slave.Governments will come and go.They will enact laws.I'll still do whatever I want anyway.And yes, I will die for that.


Well-Known Member
lol, anyway i know of former IRS members that have researched the fact that there is no law and when they confronted anyone higher up about it they were shot down, usually fired, and a select few hav stopped filing for federal taxes and the government hasn't and can't touch them because they havn't done anything wrong. they ran a special on it on tv a while ago


Well-Known Member
okay, for instance micro chip! okay you can refuse to have one that's cool so will i...but ugh you know if you don't have a chip your not gonna be able to participate in anything, if you do accept the chip your traceable, every move you make physical or financial...i guess not too many of us stoners really care as long as we get to smoke our weed eh

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
okay, for instance micro chip! okay you can refuse to have one that's cool so will i...but ugh you know if you don't have a chip your not gonna be able to participate in anything, if you do accept the chip your traceable, every move you make physical or financial...i guess not too many of us stoners really care as long as we get to smoke our weed eh
don't talk about this stuff to people in person---you'll probably end up in a straight jacket.


Well-Known Member
Ahhhh the good ole OWO, and globalization. I'm privy to the ways of the world;however i've allowed myself to remain in the system because of convienience. Not because I didn't know any better. I like to I registered for a passport. I go across the border so I need to be able to come and go as I please so I applied for a nexus card. Both have RFID chips, and enable the issuer to track my every movement. Am I happy? Nope believe it or not I actually regretted it. How could I allow myself to remain loyal to the machine? Now on to zeigeist....Please Please Please stay away from anything related to Peter Joseph. He got people interested with version one, and he tottally lost them in addendum. Sorry but the Venus project is nothing more than a tolitarian movement. You provide me with everything, and all I have to do is live? Riiight. It's a far-fetched ideal based which exploits people's fears. Where is my next meal coming from? Bills, mortgage, car note...etc... Projects like these aren't even plausible without a united worldwide agenda. Watch " One nation under seige" Great film and deals with everything you can think of.

Here's the link.

One nation under seige.

and since you wanna talk about the FED, and income tax check out Aaron Russo's film.

America Freedom to fascism.

Also read up on William Cooper and Eric Schaefer. William cooper worked in naval intelligence for years, and Schaefer is a historian. Check em out.