when should i flower?


Active Member
:joint:I got a beautiful baby girl and she is a foot tall or so by a foot wide. probally going on 9 weeks of vegging. super bushy, cant even see the stem at some spots. it has started to pre-flower about 3 weeks ago and it has really slowed down in growth. should i flower now or wait till it gets bigger? help me out please. thanks:peace:


Well-Known Member
you can flower whenever you want. I veg mine whil i flower others so they get a full 60-65 days growth and all i get are big plants with big buds...lol... its up to your space....I noticed a growth of at least 10 inches when i flower.


Active Member
Flower man Flower.10inch is sound jus keep dem lites real close 2 all da budsites.Then get all ya flowrin nutes ready,do it right n HAPPY DAZE.