GrowSpecialist's Grow Room


Well-Known Member
sup dude? ur garden looks amazing man! keep it green! can't rep u right now... it says im whoreable lol :mrgreen: :joint: >>>>>


Well-Known Member
My indoor plants have just begun to flower... so theres really nothing special to look at. As soon as they start developing some nice heads, I'll post some photos. In the mean time... here are a few shots of my outdoor (bagseed)...

how long they been outside, also whats the temps?


Well-Known Member
how long they been outside, also whats the temps?
They've been outside for a couple of months. The lowest its gotten outside is about 28 degrees... but the average at night is probably about 43. When it gets below freezing, I cover em... but the cold night temps is why theres a little bit of purple in the buds.


Well-Known Member
could tell, purpling will happen, even at 40 degrees, but well encourage more people to smoke more of it, and thats always nice!;-)


Well-Known Member
looking nice man...outdoor looks like it came out great, im currently in a darkroom150 set up (day 15 of flowering under 600W) but my next project will have to be an outdoor 12'x12' shed...


Well-Known Member
looking nice man...outdoor looks like it came out great, im currently in a darkroom150 set up (day 15 of flowering under 600W) but my next project will have to be an outdoor 12'x12' shed...
Thanks man... and good luck with yours.

How is a shed "outdoors"? My indoor grow is a shed.


Well-Known Member
Hey grow how old are you? you've said you've done this for awhile and i saw in one of your pics a chine bracelet like your in your 20's, I've just been wondering.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man... and good luck with yours.

How is a shed "outdoors"? My indoor grow is a shed. bad...i meant "outdoors" as in the shed is separate from my house (but i guess all sheds would be separate from the house)...

point being...i'll be growing in a shed next