
No mercy for the invaders, every missile strike in civilians and every atrocity hardens their hearts and makes them more determined. I dunno if one drone kills 50 Russians a day, but each sortie with a bomb probably takes about 15 to 20 minutes round trip, with a reload and battery change between sorties. Say 2 sorties an hour with a single bomb Mavic 3.

So NATO is going to allow them to invade a beaten, humiliated russia where putin still holds the launch codes to the largest stockpile of nukes on the planet? Why would they do that, when they won't allow them to do it now?

Did DIY say that? Read it again:

One way to get rid of Putin is to drive the Russians from all of Ukraine in a humiliating defeat and just because they are driven from Ukraine does not mean the Ukrainians are finished with the Russians by a long fucking shot, they will not forgive, and they will not forget.

He didn't say "invade", he said drive "Russians from all of Ukraine".

And Ukraine is due reparations, so, no. After Russia is driven from Ukraine, it won't be over. But that doesn't mean invasion of Russia. Ukraine isn't large enough to accomplish that anyway. Besides, they will still have Belarus to deal with.
Good riddance, but he'll be back in his mansion in Russia, until one of his enemies kills him. If not, he had better move to the far east of Russia, well out of drone range...

Just speculation but perhaps he's preparing to withdraw before Ukraine rains hell on Wagner and wipes it out. There is plenty to be made elsewhere, can't make money with dead mercs.
Just speculation but perhaps he's preparing to withdraw before Ukraine rains hell on Wagner and wipes it out. There is plenty to be made elsewhere, can't make money with dead mercs.
He also made a lot of enemies in the Russian army, the kinds of people who would kill him.

Soil conditions are looking favorable in the south, but it has been raining there quite a bit, the offensive depends on the soil conditions where they plan to strike. Vlad just had another mobilization, and it would be nice to have it over before they arrive. The offensive will save lives on both sides by starting a war of maneuver and combined arms that the well-trained Ukrainians can fight and the untrained mobiks can't. I think it will be like when the Germans invaded Russia in 1941, their blitzkrieg surrounded and cut off huge Russian forces forcing their surrender.
Did DIY say that? Read it again:

One way to get rid of Putin is to drive the Russians from all of Ukraine in a humiliating defeat and just because they are driven from Ukraine does not mean the Ukrainians are finished with the Russians by a long fucking shot, they will not forgive, and they will not forget.

He didn't say "invade", he said drive "Russians from all of Ukraine".

And Ukraine is due reparations, so, no. After Russia is driven from Ukraine, it won't be over. But that doesn't mean invasion of Russia. Ukraine isn't large enough to accomplish that anyway. Besides, they will still have Belarus to deal with.
I was refering to "does not mean the Ukrainians are finished with the russians by a long fucking shot, they will not forgive, and they will not forget"...
i took that to mean that they would not be happy with driving the russians out of Ukraine, that they would follow, taking the war into russia...
seems i misunderstood.
I was refering to "does not mean the Ukrainians are finished with the russians by a long fucking shot, they will not forgive, and they will not forget"...
i took that to mean that they would not be happy with driving the russians out of Ukraine, that they would follow, taking the war into russia...
seems i misunderstood.
They will not directly take the war into Russia, but if Vlad does not sign a peace treaty after getting his ass kicked out of Ukraine, it will be open season on war criminals by clandestine operations or drones. If Vlad keeps lobbing missiles into Ukraine and murdering civilians, there will be retaliation on Russia, and it will hurt mightily. The Ukrainians are playing by international rules and have to for not just allied support, but to collect seized Russian money one day. Uncle Sam and the Brits cannot just take foreign cash reserves without undermining confidence in the international financial system. There will be an international legal process involved in getting some of the Russian money, for other assets, not much effort is required. The Russians do have enough money abroad to cover the entire cost of the war and to pay reparations to Ukraine.
It isn't implied anywhere, but in the back of my head there is this thought that this was caused by enemy (russian? chinese? ) hacking, and they're trying to come up with a workaround to stop them....how hard would it be to effect the instrumentation? seriously, i don't know? am i way outside of possibilities?
Certainly possible, but not as likely as pilot error, mechanical failure, etc. Akam's razor suggests it's cause was self-inflicted.

I don't know if military publishes stats, but for general aviation, helicopters crash ~ 4x more frequently per flight hour than fixed wing planes.

In one incident, the chopper rolled over on landing/takeoff, the other was two choppers that collided midair flying in close formation. Both seem "normal" for that type of accident.

Full disclaimer: I know nothing about helicopters!
It isn't implied anywhere, but in the back of my head there is this thought that this was caused by enemy (russian? chinese? ) hacking, and they're trying to come up with a workaround to stop them....how hard would it be to effect the instrumentation? seriously, i don't know? am i way outside of possibilities?
The Apaches look like older models,possibly not reg. Army,the newest deployed Apaches (Longbows) have a big circular dome on top of the rotor,I cuuld be wrong but this may be Nat. Guard choppers,which would have older equipment.
The Apaches look like older models,possibly not reg. Army,the newest deployed Apaches (Longbows) have a big circular dome on top of the rotor,I cuuld be wrong but this may be Nat. Guard choppers,which would have older equipment.
At this point in this World ANYTHING is possible,you know progress is touted as a good thing,digitalization,info at fingertips,all great but I slept way better when info that could be weaponized to ruin lives were kept in files and only a few people in a office who were paid employees who'd immediately be on a short list of suspects if breaches of security happened was the norm. All this tech was embraced hook,line, and sinker and it seems no regard was paid to the pitfalls or the old adage that "if human beings can turn a good thing into a bad thing they surely will",now everything from military,nat. security,financial,medical,personal,etc is out there and at risk,not to mention all the hate and disinfo. drummed up on Social Media and of course the negative effect on children,teens,and young adults of a all electronic all the time lifestyle.
It isn't implied anywhere, but in the back of my head there is this thought that this was caused by enemy (russian? chinese? ) hacking, and they're trying to come up with a workaround to stop them....how hard would it be to effect the instrumentation? seriously, i don't know? am i way outside of possibilities?
I can not copy the text.

"Sources said the Apache they were flying suddenly did a 360-degree roll, indicating something went wrong with the stabilizing mechanism."

At 13:08 of the second vid, they converted the 2.75" dumb rocket into a guided one. A project I was suppose to be a part of (not in Ukraine) twenty years ago but money was tight and they shelved it. I am impressed that they located the sensors onto the fins, makes it easier to follow the laser signal.

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I can not copy the text.

"Sources said the Apache they were flying suddenly did a 360-degree roll, indicating something went wrong with the stabilizing mechanism."
They have black boxes, if RC model planes can have them as part of the FC they can too.
WARNING! This is one of the more gruesome videos I've seen. The Ukrainians hearts have been hardened by the civilian deaths, beheadings, torture and castrations. This guy paid the price and was shown mercy, if not they would have left him to die in agony after the first bomb and not used a second. The wounded are more difficult to deal with on the battlefield than the dead.
