It is the stated topic and converting to this technology is key to solving the problem and I consider MIT a reliable source of information and professional opinion. What is this thread about if not solutions? Whining about shit or solving problems with informed public opinion? The battery industry is seeing tremendous changes and growth with battery factories under construction all over North America and major government policy shifts supporting these changes. This technology is absolutely critical for both grid storage and transport with the various chemistries finding their niches in an evolving technological landscape. Climate change is about green technologies, wind, solar and geothermal as well as things like heat pumps and LED lighting technology.
Some people are meeting the challenges of the future head on and not whining and bitching constantly or destroying artwork with their personal vanity and an excuse of climate change. Technology got us into this shit and only technology can get us out or mitigate the damage, we can't all go "back to the land" and live like medieval peasants.
It is public policy and thus politics, so are guns, which is why there is not a separate gun nut section in RIU that nobody visits, but there are several threads on guns and mass murder in the politics section.