If they pay for the premium service, they can post long videos and ole Tuck thinks he can get around his contract because he is not working for anybody else, but is still employed by foxnews until his contract expires in about a year at which time it will be Tucker who? For much of his audience, so he needs to act ASAP to try and save his power, his problem is he also wants the $20 million a year that foxnews is paying him to STFU until his contract expires. Of course, Elon can't say they cut a deal, both could be sued by foxnews, so Tuck is just another asshole with an opinion on Twitter. Tucker gets his audience and Elon gets a big bump in traffic as the magats turn twitter into the parlor. This will also attract other POS like Trump whose own social media company is on the rocks, and he will be a frequent guest on Tucker's twitter show.WHAT THE MOTHERFUCK, MUCK?
These two fascist fucking assholes are getting together? muck is going to give the worst offender at fox a forum to vomit evil onto America from, in return for the money it will bring in? disgusting fucking pieces of shit, both of them...NOTHING muck could do will ever make up for even contemplating such a fucking hideous assault on decent Americans...deport both of the foul fuckers.
that just makes me want to vomit...I still say deport them both, send both the miserable fucks to russiaIf they pay for the premium service, they can post long videos and ole Tuck thinks he can get around his contract because he is not working for anybody else, but is still employed by foxnews until his contract expires in about a year at which time it will be Tucker who? For much of his audience, so he needs to act ASAP to try and save his power, his problem is he also wants the $20 million a year that foxnews is paying him to STFU until his contract expires. Of course, Elon can't say they cut a deal, both could be sued by foxnews, so Tuck is just another asshole with an opinion on Twitter. Tucker gets his audience and Elon gets a big bump in traffic as the magats turn twitter into the parlor. This will also attract other POS like Trump whose own social media company is on the rocks, and he will be a frequent guest on Tucker's twitter show.
I think Spelon is trying to build a setthat just makes me want to vomit...I still say deport them both, send both the miserable fucks to russia
They have a market in America of tens of millions, it's like flies to shit, they are attracted to the smell of the money and power they represent. Trump is 6 points ahead of Biden in a head-to-head according to one recent poll. Maybe it's just me, or maybe it's his record and the fucking actual facts, but Joe is doing an extraordinary job. However, I guess he isn't pretty enough so perhaps one of the Kardashians would be a better choice for most of these ignorant shallow fucks. WTF has done a better job as POTUS since FDR FFS? The democrats can't find anybody perfect enough and the republicans can't find anybody bad enough, except for Trump. How can the democrats win anything with such fickle support, while Trump can rape and grab them by the pussy, get the nomination from a prison cell and probably win the election? Oh, Joe he's not young enough and he's not pretty enough, as if he was in some kind of fucking beauty contest where athletic prowess is required. This is America's future not an episode of survivor, it should be about competency because America is facing far too many problems to fuck around with a light weight or a malicious moron like Trump.that just makes me want to vomit...I still say deport them both, send both the miserable fucks to russia
Both are under contract and Elon sees an opportunity to expand twitter views, they are just giving their personal opinions on twitter. Lemon could go to YouTube, but they are both talking heads dependent on writers, real talent requires no writers, but they improve the final product and help them to keep up with events. Tucker gets $20 million a year to do as fox tells him to and they are telling him to STFU and he can't work for anybody else either. We will see if this ends up in court, foxnews is paying Tucker and will either silence him or break his contract an let him try to sue them.I think Spelon is trying to build a set
Nobody other than that political hack, JB. but he's such a hack, nonetheless.WTF has done a better job as POTUS since FDR FFS?
that's a good take on that situation, Beau made a couple of points i hadn't considered yet, not the least of which is that tucker has been operating on television...Twitter, especially muck's twitter, is the deep dark jungle compared to television. I think tucks may have less of an impact than he's hoping for.
Let's talk about Tucker on Twitter....
when I searched, nothing. Something related and less satisfying came up.Fox repos the set they built in tucks' basement....