Blaze & Daze


Well-Known Member
I'm hooked on French Vanilla creamer....which I have recently learned has NO cream in it!


Well, another doctor has blown me off....My podiatrist, after 3 appointments and as many injections now thinks it's my back and or hips. Yeah no shit, I said that on my first visit!

Primary dr. tomorrow morning. I see some MRI's in my future, and I so hate them!!


Well-Known Member
Oh the plot thickens....I just vomited what appeared to be dried blood. The only thing I ate all day was an egg salad sandwich. I have been worrying about my liver. Or perhaps from all the meds the past 2 weeks. I see my dr. in the morning. I've been nauseous for days!


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
He sees his doctor tomorrow which will give him much better advice. But I will say this watch your pulse and b/p go in if you start showing tachycardia. Better yet call your doctor's office before they close and let his office know and ask them if you're still good to wait until tomorrow. I draw the line at asking for pictures of egg salad sammie puke :) as much as I love @manfredo


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Well, another doctor has blown me off....My podiatrist, after 3 appointments and as many injections now thinks it's my back and or hips. Yeah no shit, I said that on my first visit!

Primary dr. tomorrow morning. I see some MRI's in my future, and I so hate them!!
You get that hip replaced yet? It's time to get the party started