Canadian Stuff

Yeah, he is really concerned about the Chinese interfering in Canada and attacking one of his own MPs.

I see the socialist guinea pig club is still thriving on its own swill, how's it going? Can't wait to see the new coins, Long Live The King!
Personally, I don't dwell on the image on a Loonie or a $20, they could put Alfred E. Neuman on them for all I care, as long as they are legal tender for all debts public and private and signed by the Bank of Canada guy.
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Personally, I don't dwell on the image on a Loonie or a $20, they could put Alfred E. Neuman on them for all I care, as long as they are legal tender for all debts personal and private and signed by the Bank of Canada guy.
They should put Alfred on maybe 1% of the bills. That way when one gets a such, one knows to set it aside as mad money.
The local Health services consortium is closing the Minden ON Emergency Room on June 1. Residents are pissed, the concerned citizenry are trying to get an injunction, or overthrow the board. Provincial mp (Conservative) has been a passive observer, fed rep (Conservative) is against , but, out of his court except to implore the Honourable PM to ensure accessibility as ensured by Health Canada doctrine. Lots of cottagers are gonna get a shock, added response time with cost lives, Haliburton will be overrun as it is a smaller Unit. Too bad the never changing narrative is pay more tax, get less in return.
The local Health services consortium is closing the Minden ON Emergency Room on June 1. Residents are pissed, the concerned citizenry are trying to get an injunction, or overthrow the board. Provincial mp (Conservative) has been a passive observer, fed rep (Conservative) is against , but, out of his court except to implore the Honourable PM to ensure accessibility as ensured by Health Canada doctrine. Lots of cottagers are gonna get a shock, added response time with cost lives, Haliburton will be overrun as it is a smaller Unit. Too bad the never changing narrative is pay more tax, get less in return.
Oh, so NOW you are worried about emergency rooms not having capacity and costing lives? I certainly feel for the residents that will be affected by this closure. Ontario gave DoFo a majority so no one should be shocked by this. Can't wait to see what's next!
I see the socialist guinea pig club is still thriving on its own swill, how's it going? Can't wait to see the new coins, Long Live The King!
learn what a socialist is...not knowing the meaning of a term that widely used is willful ignorance.
There are no socialists in America, republicans are radical right fascists, and democrats are centrists...Bernie isn't even qualified to be called a socialist, nor are any "progressives"...They wouldn't even be progressives anywhere else in the world, they'd be centrist.

It's difficult to argue with someone who can't be bothered to know what the fuck they're arguing about.
that makes me wonder where they're coming from? are other provinces driving them away? does NS just have a much better healthcare system than the rest of Canadia? Last i heard, you all were facing a serious shortage.
Lots of places and our immigration policy is to welcome them, in America immigration policy is a hot button issue, republicans are against all immigration, not just the undocumented ones. Most immigrants are brown folks these days and we know how the republicans feel about "them taking over"!

We lost plenty of nurses over covid burn out and being thrown under the bus by the government and many in the public. Women have more options than in past generations when they were limited to nursing, teaching, secretarial work and housewives. Nursing is a female dominated profession and many have retired or quit for better work, we are doing the same thing to poor countries that the Americans did to us, paid doctors and nurses more so they left. In Ontario thousands of Canadian nurses crossed the border to work in America for their shifts and came back home at the end of them, it became a real issue during covid with a closed border.
Lots of places and our immigration policy is to welcome them, in America immigration policy is a hot button issue, republicans are against all immigration, not just the undocumented ones. Most immigrants are brown folks these days and we know how the republicans feel about "them taking over"!

We lost plenty of nurses over covid burn out and being thrown under the bus by the government and many in the public. Women have more options than in past generations when they were limited to nursing, teaching, secretarial work and housewives. Nursing is a female dominated profession and many have retired or quit for better work, we are doing the same thing to poor countries that the Americans did to us, paid doctors and nurses more so they left. In Ontario thousands of Canadian nurses crossed the border to work in America for their shifts and came back home at the end of them, it became a real issue during covid with a closed border.
The conditions that caused the problem here was world wide, so I had assumed that the problem would be world wide, but we did have an inordinately high percentage of hospitalizations and deaths, so i guess it was harder on nurses and other medical professionals here than most places?
The local Health services consortium is closing the Minden ON Emergency Room on June 1. Residents are pissed, the concerned citizenry are trying to get an injunction, or overthrow the board. Provincial mp (Conservative) has been a passive observer, fed rep (Conservative) is against , but, out of his court except to implore the Honourable PM to ensure accessibility as ensured by Health Canada doctrine. Lots of cottagers are gonna get a shock, added response time with cost lives, Haliburton will be overrun as it is a smaller Unit. Too bad the never changing narrative is pay more tax, get less in return.
I’m sure you voted for both of them.