Canadian Stuff

They had to do something about the influx of baby boomer Ontarians flooding the maritimes in search of a wealthy retirement lifestyle. Sold their wildly overpriced suburban homes and fled to a cheaper venue rife with excess cash.
Most moved to Ontario in the 60s and 70s and are coming home to retire, I did after working for CN in Winnipeg for a couple of decades. Newfoundlanders have been doing it for a couple of decades, retired sold their home for a couple of million and went back home to a 50-100K house plus pensions.
Carbon dioxide has begun to kill us. Ocean acidification is chewing at the foundations of the entire ecology.

On land, climate change is directly responsible for the sharp uptick in extreme weather events which kill hundreds to thousands annually, and are just getting started.

Abject nonsense pushed by short-sighted computer modelling...Same shit my kids were told about whales being extinct by the time my daughter turned 25. What is the percentage of CO2 in our atmosphere? Plants want more. Global climate always changes. Per capita Pollution levels (except for mad scientist chemicals) have been dropping since WW2.
Abject nonsense pushed by short-sighted computer modelling...Same shit my kids were told about whales being extinct by the time my daughter turned 25. What is the percentage of CO2 in our atmosphere? Plants want more. Global climate always changes. Per capita Pollution levels (except for mad scientist chemicals) have been dropping since WW2.
arrant nonsense pushed by billionaires who are burning the world for a buck.

Fortunately the science is so far past genuine controversy that the above parade of fallacy serves only to identify the deliberately uninformed.
Most moved to Ontario in the 60s and 70s
In order to make a decent living. It would be nice to see Canadians reverse the trend of nomadic economic emigration, and working with what we have to improve our hometowns and the lifestyles within them. We treat our homes as simply a pile of money we build a roof over.
arrant nonsense pushed by billionaires who are burning the world for a buck.

Fortunately the science is so far past genuine controversy that the above parade of fallacy serves only to identify the deliberately uninformed.
The science, thanks for the laugh. The agenda is more realistic.
In order to make a decent living. It would be nice to see Canadians reverse the trend of nomadic economic emigration, and working with what we have to improve our hometowns and the lifestyles within them. We treat our homes as simply a pile of money we build a roof over.
The Canadian housing market has become a global market with plenty of foreign buyers and empty houses. We need low-cost housing for regular people and the government needs to get back into the business of providing it. Homelessness is a product of high rents and housing costs, where rents are high, so is homelessness because employers don't pay enough to cover the rent, utilities and food.
Abject nonsense pushed by short-sighted computer modelling...Same shit my kids were told about whales being extinct by the time my daughter turned 25. What is the percentage of CO2 in our atmosphere? Plants want more. Global climate always changes. Per capita Pollution levels (except for mad scientist chemicals) have been dropping since WW2.
You convince yourself as you do not want to be inconvenienced. If you do not believe in the models look at the glaciers.
In order to make a decent living. It would be nice to see Canadians reverse the trend of nomadic economic emigration, and working with what we have to improve our hometowns and the lifestyles within them. We treat our homes as simply a pile of money we build a roof over.
What you call “nomadic economic emigration” I call freedom.
The Canadian housing market has become a global market with plenty of foreign buyers and empty houses. We need low-cost housing for regular people and the government needs to get back into the business of providing it. Homelessness is a product of high rents and housing costs, where rents are high, so is homelessness because employers don't pay enough to cover the rent, utilities and food.
Yeah, the recent trend of corporate entities and 'groups' buying homes in new(and established) communities has to stop. "real estate" as an investment instead of a residence is destroying our natural lifestyles and selling off our (shrinking population) childrens future. An aging population supported by a dwindling working generation is slowly? removing ownership and the ability for families to support themselves. Airbnb is a simple example of an increasing threat to our own future. Most airbnb rentals are owned by companies or wealthy parents, they sit idle for large periods of the year and are given essentially a free ride from regulation and taxation. Gov't legislation is catching up slowly but local greedy gov'ts don't have enough foresight to limit or profit on this unforeseen growth. Our area of the Kawarthas are just enacting a registration fee system for them which is woefully inadequate, and fully in denial about the future of our residents. I have contributed to some ideas at town council information sessions, but the short-sightedness of the governments is astounding. We need to stop the selling of real estate to corporate entities and enforce single family dwelling land use regulations with some teeth, instead of making a paltry amount off of developent fees and licencing. More than half of most new homes are purchased by corporate entities, and this needs to stop. Who cares if you are building houses that the developers themselves are buying, it is not going to solve the 'housing crisis' at all. It will simply make space for renters who have no control over their 'residence'. SPECULATION is at the root of this and there is nothing good about it, unless you are a corporation or a real estate salesperson.
Just, eh! :lol:
Elliot Lake is calling you then. Mullets and Trans Ams are still a thing there. But since you're not nomadic...
LOL, grehaired residents can't grow mullets, and the ole trans-am succumbed to rust a decade ago, LOL. I wouldn't move to that old contaminated uranium wasteland, ever. The fancy new clinic (when it was built) on the highway is just an ambulance transfer station. It is reminisent of a Florida trailer park, with its economic cheap ass senior refugees, and is rotting away, like their shitty mall. My brother-in-law lives there btw, its a ghost town all winter and a sterile bug infested shithole the rest of the year. But you know 'its affordable' so is a tent in downtown Vancouver. I remember when they built that place, same time as lagoon city in Brechin. Even Brechin can't support growth when your main population is cheap ass selfish seniors. Boomers invented self-entitlement, and younger generations are emulating it.
Yeah, the recent trend of corporate entities and 'groups' buying homes in new(and established) communities has to stop. "real estate" as an investment instead of a residence is destroying our natural lifestyles and selling off our (shrinking population) childrens future. An aging population supported by a dwindling working generation is slowly? removing ownership and the ability for families to support themselves. Airbnb is a simple example of an increasing threat to our own future. Most airbnb rentals are owned by companies or wealthy parents, they sit idle for large periods of the year and are given essentially a free ride from regulation and taxation. Gov't legislation is catching up slowly but local greedy gov'ts don't have enough foresight to limit or profit on this unforeseen growth. Our area of the Kawarthas are just enacting a registration fee system for them which is woefully inadequate, and fully in denial about the future of our residents. I have contributed to some ideas at town council information sessions, but the short-sightedness of the governments is astounding. We need to stop the selling of real estate to corporate entities and enforce single family dwelling land use regulations with some teeth, instead of making a paltry amount off of developent fees and licencing. More than half of most new homes are purchased by corporate entities, and this needs to stop. Who cares if you are building houses that the developers themselves are buying, it is not going to solve the 'housing crisis' at all. It will simply make space for renters who have no control over their 'residence'. SPECULATION is at the root of this and there is nothing good about it, unless you are a corporation or a real estate salesperson.
You will never see it by voting Tories into power and the likes of DoFo will only make it worse, they are chums with those who do the shit you were complaining about. Corporate ownership of single-family housing and whole areas should be outlawed. They are doing the same to farmland BTW and with the rise of robots will displace the rural populations even more, but perhaps that would be a good thing, since most seem to be shitheads and the robots will be smarter than most of them.
You convince yourself as you do not want to be inconvenienced. If you do not believe in the models look at the glaciers.
Global climate change or whatever you want to blame it on is and has always been a reality. We can't stop it and we are not allowing for it either, by simply shaming ourselves and accepting taxation, thinking it is going to 'get better'. Proper urban planning going forward is the best plan, taxing and restricting economic development is a nonsense trap. I'm inonvenienced by increasing tax burden, spent on nothing...