Canadian Stuff

Cannasaurus Rex

Well-Known Member
You will never see it by voting Tories into power and the likes of DoFo will only make it worse, they are chums with those who do the shit you were complaining about. Corporate ownership of single-family housing and whole areas should be outlawed. They are doing the same to farmland BTW and with the rise of robots will displace the rural populations even more, but perhaps that would be a good thing, since most seem to be shitheads and the robots will be smarter than most of them.
AGREED mate. No matter what the party, politicians are self centered fuckwads with a disdain for the electorate, it seems.


Well-Known Member
Global climate change or whatever you want to blame it on is and has always been a reality. We can't stop it and we are not allowing for it either, by simply shaming ourselves and accepting taxation, thinking it is going to 'get better'. Proper urban planning going forward is the best plan, taxing and restricting economic development is a nonsense trap. I'm inonvenienced by increasing tax burden, spent on nothing...
Same was said about acid rain and ozone depletion. What you call taxing is really just paying the actual cost.


Well-Known Member
Global climate change or whatever you want to blame it on is and has always been a reality. We can't stop it and we are not allowing for it either, by simply shaming ourselves and accepting taxation, thinking it is going to 'get better'. Proper urban planning going forward is the best plan, taxing and restricting economic development is a nonsense trap. I'm inonvenienced by increasing tax burden, spent on nothing...
Climate change is real and hitting the predicted targets, the warnings from scientists are dire and should be heeded with all speed. Humanity will survive and the planet will go on, but you and your descendent won't like it much and it might end our global civilization and much of the global population. Where will 2 billion Indians and Pakistanis go when it is too hot and dry? Or the other people who live in coastal and low land areas? They will end up in your backyard is where they will be with a couple of meters in seal level rise. What happens if the major rivers in Europe die and the deserts move north into Alberta? When the forests burn down? The list of consequences is endless.

Cannasaurus Rex

Well-Known Member
ozone depletion
More mad scientist chemical damage, stopped by banning CFC's and now just fine. Acid rain was figured out and can be mitigated by sensible emission standards and corrective action, see Sudbury as compared to the 60's. Improved Development and manufacturing standards are not taxation.


Well-Known Member
In addition to... a seniors place is in the home with their family, then to hospital, before the grave. But when you don't have children or grandchildren, that's not an option is it?
Wherever provides the best quality of life is best in my view. I read what you wrote thinking you were banging on about government run LTC, which appears to not be the case. Can't disagree on what you, ideally with family if possible.


Well-Known Member
More mad scientist chemical damage, stopped by banning CFC's and now just fine. Acid rain was figured out and can be mitigated by sensible emission standards and corrective action, see Sudbury as compared to the 60's. Improved Development and manufacturing standards are not taxation.
None of that shit happened on its own and the reduction in coal fired power plants leads to a reduction in acid rain, as EVs will lead to a reduction in urban smog and acid rain. We are in the middle of an energy revolution for a reason and rapidly converting to renewables, energy storage and EVs with battery giga factories going up all over North America, Asia and Europe. Even an authoritarian place like China is leading the green revolution globally.

Cannasaurus Rex

Well-Known Member
Wherever provides the best quality of life is best in my view. I read what you wrote thinking you were banging on about government run LTC, which appears to not be the case. Can't disagree on what you, ideally with family if possible.
Yes sadly, the pressure on the family unit is making us succumb to this idea that living your later years is more betterer in an institution, than in your family home. It sucks IMO.


Well-Known Member
Ask the Netherlands about that one, and New Orleans... I don't believe halting economic growth is a solution, nor is trading one source of pollution for another non-local one is (electric car craze). planning ahead sensibly is.
It is not harming economic growth; it is stimulating it and will end up saving a lot of money in the end.


Well-Known Member
Ask the Netherlands about that one, and New Orleans... I don't believe halting economic growth is a solution, nor is trading one source of pollution for another non-local one is (electric car craze). planning ahead sensibly is.
Most of Florida and a lot of Texas would be under water with a one-meter rise in sea levels, do you really want those shitheads as climate refugees?


Well-Known Member
Wait...what??? The worlds leader in pollution, waste and propaganda is what China leads at...
Nope, go to the climate change thread and have a look, they are leading the world in renewables, batteries and looking to take over the global auto market with cheap EVs. They know what way the wind is blowing and are positioning themselves to take advantage of the coming change.


Well-Known Member
If you believe in urban dwelling exclusively.
People in the country will benefit the most from energy independence and a solar roof on their house and garage with cheap battery storage can power their house and transportation. No more fuel costs or much grid power costs either, solar is a lot cheaper than conventional generation is now and it's getting cheaper, mass battery manufacture will make it even more practical.

Cannasaurus Rex

Well-Known Member
Use to be lots of people in the Sahara at one time, climate changes, empires come and go. We can learn the hard way and blame the past, or predict and plan. Yes moving away from fossil fuels is viable at a realistic rate, it's easy for places like Ontario and other areas which have some water and elevation change, but very difficult for flat dry regions. I'm not one who sees nuclear power as 'green'.

Cannasaurus Rex

Well-Known Member
cheap battery storage
We've got a long way to go with that obviously. We have an off-grid Cabin and have to alter 'normal' lifestyle to benefit. Large energy drawing necessities are the stickler. There isn't enough Lithium in the world and huge lead-acid batteries are not realistic for large population areas or industry. When you can store the equivalent of a car batteries energy in something the size of a credit card, we will be getting close. Development of these technologies is essential but when costs exceed short-term gain, business turns away and scoffs. Artificially raising the price of fossil fuel use is not viable to our economic reality YET. Solar and wind are generally 4-6 times more expensive than hydro or coal and are only a seasonal and semi-daytime solution, so far.
Abandoning the present reliance on Fossil fuels at an accelerated pace is not viable, is our environmental tax going towards large scale clean technologies and sensible development? Electric bike and scooter rentals are not really doing anything except causing traffic chaos and more throw away garbage.