New rules from Strainly. No clone ads will be approved if you don't display your license number on your page, and be a Pro member. Also something about seeds can only be listed as open source if you're the first one to breed them. Breeder packs can't be listed as open source.
So Strainly basically screwed everyone. Buyers and sellers cannot communicate until after buyer sends payment through Strainly's bitcoin system. They are pretending it's for "buyer protection" but they already offered great buyer protection before this change. Really, they just want to charge a fee for every transaction. GREED. Now I can't buy anymore clones on there, how stupid are those guys? They expect us to send payment without first communicating with the seller
Are you sure? I can still send messages.
First of all, you can ignore the email from Strainly that tells you to set up your bitcoin wallet if you've already done it. I confirmed this with them.
Now that their bitcoin payment thing is live, you have to edit your ads to include shipping cost. I did that, then they rejected all my ads.

Okay I just found out the only reason they rejected my ads is because I checked the box that says Hemp. Someone else approved them like that before, but anyway. I thought that meant they were less than 0.03% THC and therefore classified as hemp under the farm bill. Many seed banks have such a disclosure. They told me it's more for search purposes, and nothing on there is over 0.03% anyway.
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Now if you type the words "cash" or "money" in a Strainly private message, they won't appear in the sent message. Obviously they're trying to discourage people from skirting their bitcoin payment system. The word money is in my cash app handle, so I had to type it with spaces. I think it's not very cool to automatically censor people's private messages, but it's their choice. I have no problem accepting bitcoin, but the buyer has to as well. I'm just selling seeds by the way, sorry no clones.
Now if you type the words "cash" or "money" in a Strainly private message, they won't appear in the sent message. Obviously they're trying to discourage people from skirting their bitcoin payment system. The word money is in my cash app handle, so I had to type it with spaces. I think it's not very cool to automatically censor people's private messages, but it's their choice. I have no problem accepting bitcoin, but the buyer has to as well. I'm just selling seeds by the way, sorry no clones.

they also censored the word instagram. Crazy how strainly has instagram. Lol

This site is a down fall