Pandemic 2020

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gotta love that ignore button, wish i had one to carry around with me.
@sunni must not be up yet, i guess.
As long as he is polite I do not care what he posts. I just skip that thread. Mind you, I seem to recall Michael Palmer and that he is an associate professor.

"This isn't the first time Palmer has expressed his views on the pandemic. In an email from June obtained by CBC News, Palmer sent to the entire faculty a message intended for a colleague about the pandemic.

"The real cheating going on is this fake Covid epidemic," wrote Palmer. "Yes, there is a virus and it kills some people, but the panic around it is created with fraudulent data. If you look at real data, it turns out that it is no worse than a flu."

"The faked-up scare is used to defraud the economy and rob the people of their freedom," he wrote.

He later sent an apology email to the faculty, saying the message was meant for one person. The dean then sent an email to the faculty saying Palmer's views don't represent the university and he was disappointed by the tone."
How do posts like this slide, but I call an aggressive group of members "political goons" or a guy a "noob" and it gets deleted? Half of my posts get deleted these days and are way less offensive.
Yes name calling is against TOS. Disinformation, on the other hand is not. Despite the bafflegab you posted earlier, there is no verifiable and objective evidence that mRNA interacts with DNA as you claim. Not in the bafflegab you posted and not anywhere

I'll just leave this here for the moment. Note that it comes from a reputable source, is clear and easy to read and relies entirely on verifiable and objective evidence.

Yes name calling is against TOS. Disinformation, on the other hand is not. Despite the bafflegab you posted earlier, there is no verifiable and objective evidence that mRNA interacts with DNA as you claim. Not in the bafflegab you posted and not anywhere

I'll just leave this here for the moment. Note that it comes from a reputable source, is clear and easy to read and relies entirely on verifiable and objective evidence.

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I’m a bit surprised that blatant disinfo is within Tos. Misogyny, transphobia and such are not. Oh well not my circus
I’m a bit surprised that blatant disinfo is within Tos. Misogyny, transphobia and such are not. Oh well not my circus
I read something from sunni confirming this. It's one thing to police rude and offensive language and another to dive into the details of crap like the recent disinfo troll's bafflegab to make a ruling on the accuracy of a post. It's beyond the scope of a mod's job to judge the scientific, historical or legal accuracy of what people say. That's what we do.
I read something from sunni confirming this. It's one thing to police rude and offensive language and another to dive into the details of crap like the recent disinfo troll's bafflegab to make a ruling on the accuracy of a post. It's beyond the scope of a mod's job to judge the scientific, historical or legal accuracy of what people say. That's what we do.
I’ll keep that in mind. The recent posts have been a pageant of corrosive content from really bad source sites.
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I have you blocked because you only post in the political section, but I haven't posted anything else in this thread.
sorry, I must have gotten my disinformation trolls mixed up.

The information I posted is accurate and wholesome. You may not like it, but that's a personal problem.
Just think, a simple post about my vaccine booster and some local covid data provoked the idiots lurking on the site to action. The emerging data is clear, even a mild case of covid has detrimental effects on multiple organs including the heart, kidneys and brain, proving that natural immunity acquired through infection has serious drawbacks. Emerging new strains will mean repeated infections too and vaccines help people to avoid many infections or to have much milder cases than they would have had without vaccination.

Covid is still around and because so many people have immunity to it at some level, either through vaccines and boosts or just by getting sick, the cases tend to be milder in most people these days. However, wastewater analysis shows that covid is still very much around, but we now have vaccines, some level of herd immunity to prevent most serious cases and effective antiviral medications that are saving many older lives. We will have better broader spectrum vaccines soon that the virus won't escape from and then those who refuse vaccines will be the primary victims of their own folly. Once we started getting vaccines and treatments, people stopped caring about those too stupid to protect themselves.

If they wanna play in the traffic on a busy freeway go ahead, the world needs less idiots and it's time natural selection played a larger role in improving society! :lol:
How do posts like this slide, but I call an aggressive group of members "political goons" or a guy a "noob" and it gets deleted? Half of my posts get deleted these days and are way less offensive.
IT DIDNT SLIDE, I HAVENT BEEN ONLINE, ITS BEEN4 HOURS STOP attacking me, for not seeing someone ASAP.
like you people need to chill out and stop being aggressive towards me when im not ontop of something asap and make it out like this

its ridiculous behavior.
i literally work my ass off here, but not having a deleted post in 4 hours and you attack me for it is so silly. like youre just looking for me to do wrong so you can act like im personally attacking you or not doing my job.

Can you stop? seriously.
I’m a bit surprised that blatant disinfo is within Tos. Misogyny, transphobia and such are not. Oh well not my circus
because im not a fact checker. i cannot check all facts provided ontop of the entire forum youre not asking me to moderate if it "disinformation" youre asking me to overview every single piece of advice, posting growing information and moderate that to what is scienetifically backed.

you are smart enough to know we cant do that and its a large ask. thats not what a forum is for.
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