Blaze & Daze


Well-Known Member
My brief attempt at sewing a loose zipper on my tent has ended. Staples for the moment LOL

Suggestions welcome, points will be deducted for excessive literalnessView attachment 5297285
When I started my first plants I went to a hydroponic store's annual customer appreciation sell and blew through the income tax return that year. One of the things I got was a 100' roll of Visqueen to make the one wall 'tent face' out of a closet. This process has had over a decade of refinement. First attempt I just used the included zipper adhesive strip and it lasted through veg before it started ripping out.

TLDR process: whip-stitch and C.A. glue and an accelerator and some duck tape.

Method 1:

Lay out visqueen or tent face on the freshly mopped hard floor.
Align zipper to position and tape the zipper edges flat with the provided adhesive strip if there is one on the zipper, leaving most the zipper light-tight material exposed in the middle.
Whip stitch the zipper onto the visqueen, usually 2 rows of stitches. My wife and I tag team this task because of my arthritis, I can only stitch one of the two flaps down before my hands hurt like hell.
Final step, using super glue and an accelerator spray, from the outside of the stitching stitching to end of the zipper material glue the entire length of the fabric to the visqueen. Finally run a single strip of duck tape on the outside edges of the zipper material.

In truth, this method creates a tighter zipper to visqueen seal than the combined power of epoxy, wood strip, staple gun and screws I use to attach the whole thing to the side walls to stretch it across the front of the closet. Usually after about 2 years the visqueen starts coming out of the wall and light leaks out the edges. So I take the setup down for a month or so to clean, rebuild and replace everything every 2-3 years. Then about every other visqueen replacement I take EVERYTHING out, scrape off the old epoxy, sand, fix the drywall, and paint the walls with Killz2.

The most fun is folding myself into the 2X2 square veg side of the closet, sitting on top the mid height shelf the plants usually sit on, affixing the whole thing to the walls and ceiling, while sealed inside the veg room with a staple gun and 2 part epoxy. Once the epoxy and staples are in place my wife cuts me out of the veg box in between each zipper making the actual door I'll be zipping and unzipping to get to my plants. Then I fall out gasping for air, as I unfold myself in the weirdest rebirth scene you could ever wish to unsee. The plus side, if the shelf system I built holds me for the 15-20 minutes it takes to staple the front in place, then it will hold 4 plants in 3 gallon pots or the aerocloner no problem. Then I box myself into 2'x 3.5' flower side and repeat the process except I'm standing up instead of folded on a shelf.

Method 2: buy a new tent.

I'm still on method one given after more than a decade I still have about 60' of visqueen and have no where to put or hide a tent. Need some visqueen? I've got a lifetime supply apparently. Just make sure the glue doesn't run into the zipper, that'll mean a new tent, or in my case I had to rebuild the entire side before I stapled it to the walls.
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Well-Known Member
This stuff is the shit! I used it to repair the blown out windows on my gazebo cover. Lasted a Canadian winter. Used it last week to cover some pin holes in my tent.

View attachment 5297306
Just used the last of mine installing the AC units...One of the accordion filler things was torn. Great stuff!!

You've been making some great lunches!

I made these again....with the last slice of cheese, usually they get a full slice. still was tasty!! I can't wait til fresh tomatoes!!


OK, the tent is emptied, now to clean it and move the next batch in...and then trim. Ugh!


Well-Known Member
It's really bad here. It looks like the fire is a mile away, not 400 miles that it is. I came up from the basement and could smell it IN the house. I just broke out my air purifier and have that on now. I don't know how you guys in Cali deal with this !!

An old ex friend showed up at my door and I didn't let him in, but we talked outside for 30 minutes and I got a headache from the smoke, and/or him....Another fucking meth head. Delusional, paranoid, and IDK WTF he was doing here!! Probably casing the joint! He asked if I was still growing, and I told him no.

Laughing Grass

Well-Known Member
It's really bad here. It looks like the fire is a mile away, not 400 miles that it is. I came up from the basement and could smell it IN the house. I just broke out my air purifier and have that on now. I don't know how you guys in Cali deal with this !!

An old ex friend showed up at my door and I didn't let him in, but we talked outside for 30 minutes and I got a headache from the smoke, and/or him....Another fucking meth head. Delusional, paranoid, and IDK WTF he was doing here!! Probably casing the joint! He asked if I was still growing, and I told him no.
I don’t recall ever seeing it here. Guess it’s coming from Northern Ontario and Quebec