Canadian Stuff

So y'all are enjoying the current and next interest rate increase? Same thing his dad tried to 'cool' inflation in 1981 and lead to a 17.9% prime rate. And his ouster in the next election. With present day household debt at record levels, I'm sure young people who had entered the housing market 5 years ago are appreciating his efforts to repo their lives... Liberal leadership rides a thriving economy into the ground, then is recovered by Conservatives. Tax and spend leads to everyones hand outstretched...some for more social program spending and others for relief and record numbers at food banks. Thriving economy eh? credit crash is coming...fiscal responsibility will return with a change of government.
Good god a Tory! :lol: PP seduced ya and more tax cuts to the rich will solve everything. The tarsands and Alberta are finished whoever comes into power, so they better get used to the smell of cowshit again, if there is rain enough to grow any grass with climate change.
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So y'all are enjoying the current and next interest rate increase? Same thing his dad tried to 'cool' inflation in 1981 and lead to a 17.9% prime rate. And his ouster in the next election. With present day household debt at record levels, I'm sure young people who had entered the housing market 5 years ago are appreciating his efforts to repo their lives... Liberal leadership rides a thriving economy into the ground, then is recovered by Conservatives. Tax and spend leads to everyones hand outstretched...some for more social program spending and others for relief and record numbers at food banks. Thriving economy eh? credit crash is coming...fiscal responsibility will return with a change of government.
In US for the last fifty years, it’s been the exact opposite.
So y'all are enjoying the current and next interest rate increase? Same thing his dad tried to 'cool' inflation in 1981 and lead to a 17.9% prime rate. And his ouster in the next election. With present day household debt at record levels, I'm sure young people who had entered the housing market 5 years ago are appreciating his efforts to repo their lives... Liberal leadership rides a thriving economy into the ground, then is recovered by Conservatives. Tax and spend leads to everyones hand outstretched...some for more social program spending and others for relief and record numbers at food banks. Thriving economy eh? credit crash is coming...fiscal responsibility will return with a change of government.
Bought my first house at that time. You seem to be a bright enough guy. Do you think Canadian rates are independent of the US rate?
January 2, 1981 20.50%
Dummy DoFo, he refused to lead during the dumbass trucker convoy too, covid restrictions and highways are a provincial responsibility, so are forest fires and he cut fire fighting for that too.

Dummy DoFo, he refused to lead during the dumbass trucker convoy too, covid restrictions and highways are a provincial responsibility, so are forest fires and he cut fire fighting for that too.

His brother was more fun. That guy could really rock a crack pipe.
A lot of Canadian dirty secrets of environmental irresponsibility are bubbling to the surface with the smoke. The indigenous people are running for their lives because the fire is encroaching on them. They were already dealing with the fall out from oil pollution dumped in their rivers.
A lot of Canadian dirty secrets of environmental irresponsibility are bubbling to the surface with the smoke. The indigenous people are running for their lives because the fire is encroaching on them. They were already dealing with the fall out from oil pollution dumped in their rivers.
If you live in the woods, you risk forest fire, it's the same for everybody everywhere, more so with climate change. If you want a home in the forest, a steel roof, stucko and a sprinkler system with a cistern would be advisable, as well as clearing any combustibles from around your property!
A lot of Canadian dirty secrets of environmental irresponsibility are bubbling to the surface with the smoke. The indigenous people are running for their lives because the fire is encroaching on them. They were already dealing with the fall out from oil pollution dumped in their rivers.
I don’t disagree with you, I just think it’s funny for an American to point the finger at Canada, as if we’re somehow environmentally irresponsible compared to the US. The Canadian government has made a much larger commitment to protecting the environment than your government has. Not too long ago half of California and Colorado were on fire and the smoke from those fires drifted up here.

We are all to blame for the damage caused by environmental pollution. Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone.
I don’t disagree with you, I just think it’s funny for an American to point the finger at Canada, as if we’re somehow environmentally irresponsible compared to the US. The Canadian government has made a much larger commitment to protecting the environment than your government has. Not too long ago half of California and Colorado were on fire and the smoke from those fires drifted up here.

We are all to blame for the damage caused by environmental pollution. Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone.
Canada is in the spot light now. Now is your time to be exposed on a global level. Just saying your country could have been more proactive to see the dangers and acted more proactively . Seeing the problems in California and Colorado should have been a wake up call for your county . Don’t fret , we are sending help your way. We always come to the rescue. Too bad it had to come to this though.
my carbon footprint is small to 99% of the population . I was never selfish enough to pop out another human unit to this overpopulated shit show.
Do you think Canadian rates are independent of the US rate?
Don't pay much heed to American news, etc. We are obviously tied as natural neighours and trading partners. I know the housing crash and economic crisis wasn't as severe here, we were coasting pretty good until Harper gloated and OPEC opened the taps in response. I see a lot of credit card companies , lately, offering to people with no assets and no income, just like the above when mortgages were given away to people with no hope of keeping up. bad news.
If you live in the woods, you risk forest fire, it's the same for everybody everywhere, more so with climate change. If you want a home in the forest, a steel roof, stucko and a sprinkler system with a cistern would be advisable, as well as clearing any combustibles from around your property!
Tin shacks for them? That would go over well.

A lot of Canadian dirty secrets of environmental irresponsibility are bubbling to the surface with the smoke. The indigenous people are running for their lives because the fire is encroaching on them. They were already dealing with the fall out from oil pollution dumped in their rivers.
Good thing the oil sands are in Alberta flow northward away from most of the Native bands. Number of bands by province. There are also 50.7% of Natives living off reserve,
Number of bands - population
Total 619 - 851,560
British Columbia 199 - 172,520
Ontario 126 - 236,680
Saskatchewan 70 - 114,570
Manitoba 63 - 130,510
Alberta 45 - 136,585
Quebec 40 - 92,655
Atlantic 34 - 73,587
Northwest Territories 26 - 13,185
Yukon 16 - 6,690

Heck, it popped up, did not realize we had more bands than you.

U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs, there are 565 recognized Native American tribes. About 5.2 million

Canada is in the spot light now. Now is your time to be exposed on a global level. Just saying your country could have been more proactive to see the dangers and acted more proactively . Seeing the problems in California and Colorado should have been a wake up call for your county . Don’t fret , we are sending help your way. We always come to the rescue. Too bad it had to come to this though.
my carbon footprint is small to 99% of the population . I was never selfish enough to pop out another human unit to this overpopulated shit show.

What? You forgot the fires from previous years? What do you suggest for us to be more proactive?

Glad you always come to the rescue.

But not to play favourites.

The U.S. has international agreements in place with Canada, Mexico, Australia, and New Zealand that enable the countries to obtain fire suppression personnel and aircraft from each other during periods of high wildfire activity. The U.S. and Canada provide fire suppression personnel and/or aircraft to each other virtually every year through these agreements. Several states in the northern tier of the U.S. also have compacts with Canada that enable them to obtain fire suppression personnel and aircraft from each other.
PP seduced ya
LOL It been a few decades since anyone/thing tried to seduce me LOL. It could be an actual parrot running for tories, I just want selfie boy out. And Nobody votes for federal NDP, they will never lead the country, and are more important as a tool for minority governing. Even provincially we gave Bob Rae a chance and learned our lesson. Opposition is important and Ed Broadbent was a stand up commie, singh is a self-serving fence sitter who allowed the military action against our own people. Wish we could dig up the trio of Reagan, Thatcher and Mulroney, the most solid times in my life so far.