Stand Up And Fight For Your Beliefs


Well-Known Member
I just got back form the Orange County ASA meeting in Newport Beach, where I met Eddy Lepp.

Wow. It was an honor meeting him, and listening to him speak. The man is an inspiration to everyone in the medical marijuana fight. he is no bullshit - its either fucking this way or its fucking that way. I LOVE HIS ATTITUDE - talk is cheap, action is priceless.

He and Jack Herrer are working on submitting a bill to decriminalize cannabis in all its forms, and wanted some opinions on how to present it to voters to get it on the ballot.

I am so glad that I joined the ASA & NORML. I am learning so much about the fight to legalize. I am meeting so many great people who are "on the front lines", gaining new perspectives, and just being involved.

I recommend each member of this forum join & participate/support groups like Americans For Safe Access, NORML, MPP, etc. It is strength thru numbers that will help change the way society looks at cannabis. If you truly like the way things are, then don't do a goddamn thing... if you are ready for change, and are sick of all the talk by a bunch of people who don't ever act on their words, goddamn STEP UP AND JOIN THOSE WHO ARE DOING SOMETHING.

Only together can we bring about change.
my trouble is that joining this fight i am bringing unwanted attention to my grow so for the time beeing ill stay low.
my trouble is that joining this fight i am bringing unwanted attention to my grow so for the time beeing ill stay low.

unwanted attention from "the National Organization For The Reform of Marijuana Laws"? they won't tell on you. you can trust them. i do. :mrgreen:
my trouble is that joining this fight i am bringing unwanted attention to my grow so for the time beeing ill stay low.

I run a collective/delivery, and I grow.

Seriously, joining and supporting ASA or NORML does not mean you have to go to rallies and get your self arrested for the cause. Donate $20. Go to a local chapter's meeting. Go to a city council meeting and speak about the benefits of medicinal cannabis. There are all kinds of things you can do to support those of us who are going to the rallies and getting arrested while fighting for change. YOU CAN DO SOMETHING OTHER THAN NOTHING AT ALL.
sorry i ment to say that me participating in a rally or doing anything while im on probation, is bring unwanted risk onto my grow. so till im off probation ill do nothing but them im all in, ya dig...
I hear ya HighPhi.

But myself and a few others are the only ones standing up right now. Its easy to target us because we're the only ones. We need more support.

Like I said, it doesn't mean go and get arrested and violate probation. There are other means of support. it doesn't matter what you do, as long as you do something to help.
im a firm believer in the legalisation of weed, so i sign petitions, etc, post flyers for rallys talk to ppl and stuf,f stuff that cant come back to me personally. the reson im laying so low is i was put on probation for skating through a park, the police saw me search me couldnt find anything so he charged me with reasonable suspision of graffiti, although i had no paint or anything on me..nor was there any graffiti in the area so i have seen how the police dont need a reson to have to taken to court so like a lizard drinking im staying down for a bit.
what do you do for the cause where you are??
I tell ya, folks are willing to sign the Medical Marijuana Act of Michigan Petition, you just have to ask them. Most of the NORML folks are helping with the initiative and the negatives are starting to come out of the woodwork. I have learned not to judge people and just ask everyone to sign it. I think as many over 50 sign as people under thirty do. More of them have had a friend with cancer, etc. 550,000 signatures will put it on the ballot. Im intend to collect my share of them. VV