will they get any taller?


Active Member
i've just re-potted my 6 babies to 6" containers (from 4"). They are about a foot tall as of now and will be put into 12/12 in two days from today. Will they get any taller? if so, how much taller will they get? is there a way to stop the growth (height wise) and make it more bushy and short?

these pictures are a day before they were re-potted.

thanks =D



Well-Known Member
it looks like your tips are burnt may be a lack of potassium
yah they will grow maby like at most another foot max.
if ya want to make em bushy you can bend them. or tie them down with fishing line or something


Active Member
Yes they will get bigger maybe even another 6inches. To prevent this you could put it under a screen of green and let it veg for another week. That would be my suggestion.
Good Luck


Well-Known Member
they will get 2 - 3 as tall but your going to need bigger pots!
looks like you have nute burn or some kind of burn for sure id do some reading if i were going to keep those going first thing tho u might want to flush


Well-Known Member
Yes, they will get much taller, at least DOULBLE the size they are now. Since ur plannin on goin 12/12 soon, topping is not a good idea, had u topped sooner in veg, it would've helped now. If u wanna save height in ur space, look into lst which will help with space as well.


Active Member
yup, seeing how this is my first grow i was experimenting with nutes and i added way too much. LST may be the only way to go. What would be the "proper" way to LST? my only concern is if i were to LST all my plants, they would be blocking eachother from receiving 100% of light from my bulbs. With that in mind, would i need to add more cfl or some how adjust my plants so they are not in the way of eachother (closet grow=limited space.

thanks for the quick replies =D


Well-Known Member
Most Plants double or triple in height after the first 4 weeks of flowering. after that they just fill out.


Well-Known Member
yep no foiler spray during flower you dont want that stuff in your buds.. even thou you flush the plant for a week or 2 before you harvest anyways