The P.I.S.S. Method - ( Pee in your Soil Stupid ) Grow Guide


Well-Known Member
Whatever stage its in, you can always just fill an instant pot with the urine, and put it on the warming function. It will hold steady at the perfect pasteurization temp, better than any other rig could do. Perfect for small batches, 6-8qt. Only a few hours needed at the most (can be programed right in), then let it cool and ready to go! That's what I'm gonna do, after soaking some stinging nettles in a dilution for 2+ weeks. "Nettle pee tea" is on the menu later this outdoor grow season ;)
isnt urine sterile right out of the tap?


Virtually Unknown Member


Drop That Sound

Well-Known Member
Can I "pee shock" my diluted solution down with calcium hypo-chloride, and then use it in a sterile PeeWC bucket?

Or, do I need to toss a clone in some soil to really gain the full benniefits, and feed the herd too? I guess I do, and also want to try pee nettle tea..

Gonna harvest some nettles today (takes about 2 weeks to steep), and join the club, lol.


Well-Known Member
Can I "pee shock" my diluted solution down with calcium hypo-chloride, and then use it in a sterile PeeWC bucket?

Or, do I need to toss a clone in some soil to really gain the full benniefits, and feed the herd too? I guess I do, and also want to try pee nettle tea..

Gonna harvest some nettles today (takes about 2 weeks to steep), and join the club, lol.
I like it - PWC :hump:
You would be in uncharted waters i suppose - LOL.

I chose “ soil” since biome would address the pee as any other “ animal “ based element. But “ soiless “ that is the next frontier :clap:

@Tvanmunhen is in a soiless run and his looked fantastic. You would be the “ Pissiana Jones “ of DWC.

I say do both.



Well-Known Member
I’m betting if Neoliet was still around and he pissed all over his plants - he would have had 18 big fat colas for sure.

Snooze you lose :(