Hi Guys, should I trim this damaged leaves? Also, how can i prevent IT? There Is a Grass growing next to my Plant So Im thinking the pests may come from there ?
Thanks you very much, here Are some more photos of this plant. Is there any other way than DE And pulling weeds around it to save it?Grass hoppers. If you trim the leafs there won't be anything left. You'll just be finishing what the bugs started.
We need to see more of the plant to know how to save it. Grass hoppers don't like DE. First thing I would do is apply it. You can dust it on, but that's a messy way. Better to mix it with water 4 tablespoons to a gallon of water and spray. Then I'd be pulling weeds even befgore the DE got dry.
Thanks you very much, here Are some more photos of this plant. Is there any other way than DE And pulling weeds around it to save it?