I don't know anybody that grows quantity that uses brand name nutrients and snake oils. I just choose to not associate with bullshit. Stop wasting your money. The nutrient line you use if you use any at all is probably the least impactful factor for the grow. From personal 20+ years of experience, I can tell you that the simpler the grow the better. I've seen too many people hurt and kill their plants trying to be chemists mixing snake oils, adjusting PH and pretending to be microbiologists all while touting the marginal benefits they think they're getting trying to justify wasting their money. These nutrient companies are in the business of selling bottles of liquid with fancy labels mixed from dry nutrients they buy in bulk form major suppliers. If outdoors, in plenty of soil, you don't need anything but compost, a bit of manure and just about any flowering fertilizer you get from your local home despit to insure you have enough availability to finish the grow. I've done plenty of grows with nothing but Home Depot soil, steer manure and a bit of osmocote mixed in.