Apparently, you choose to only listen to liars.I've learned a long time ago, it makes no difference which party they represent, if they open their mouth, the are probably telling a lie.
MAGASTAN was counting on that recession, too.
Things are looking up, but still a long way to go.
CNN Fact check: A look at Biden’s false claimsIs Biden a serial liar
Thanks for this.CNN Fact check: A look at Biden’s false claims
Sir, you know very little about me, as well as I know anything about you. Though we both have something in common.I didn't know you had the honesty gene in you
He’s a hot mess. He combines an antiscience populism with a great appetite for conspiracy nonsense. He’s every bit as corrupt as any maga, just a different flavor. Wiki excerpt:Whats your opinion of Robert Kennedy Jr?
Interesting....that is what I like about him. Perhaps he and DeSantis will team up as independents.Since 2005, he has promoted the scientifically discredited link between vaccines and autism,[2] and is founder and chairman of Children's Health Defense, an anti-vaccine advocacy group.[14] Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Kennedy has emerged as a leading proponent of COVID-19 vaccine misinformationin the United States.[15][16] Much of Kennedy's public health criticisms and writings have targeted prominent figures such as Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, and Joe Biden. He has co-hosted Ring of Fire, a nationally syndicated radio program. He has written books including The Real Anthony Fauci in 2021 and A Letter to Liberals in 2022. Kennedy's candidacy for the Democratic nomination in the 2024 presidential election was formally launched on April 19, 2023.
So you like how he spreads false info?Interesting....that is what I like about him. Perhaps he and DeSantis will team up as independents.
How do you feel about Fauci, Gates and Biden spreading false info?So you like how he spreads false info?
Robert Kennedy jr. doesn't have the honesty gene. Jr's dad certainly did. Sometimes genes are damaged or lost during transcription. Or maybe he was raised badly like Trump was. IDK.Sir, you know very little about me, as well as I know anything about you. Though we both have something in common.
We both hang out in a cannibus chat page and are interested in politics.
Whats your opinion of Robert Kennedy Jr?
I liked both his dad and John, even voted for John.
I’d need proof that Fauci spread false info. What I do know is that he earned the wrath of people with such a broken set of priorities that they placed a sense of personal entitlement (often based on a deluded libertarian Credo) ahead of the welfare (literally) of the society they endanger, and who embraced a criminally incorrect narrative about the virus and its vaccines to feed that certainty of that entitlement.How do you feel about Fauci, Gates and Biden spreading false info?
LOL, no pardon is necessary, but thanks for the offer.So, pardon me if I generalize. Not all Republicans are fascist and divorced from reality. Which is why I let you know that your post regarding Biden indicated you might have a healthy truth gene. But I could be wrong.
Compared to those who spread the news that Ivermectin prevents chronic Covid? Or the BS about hydoxycholroquine?How do you feel about Fauci, Gates and Biden spreading false info?
hesitancy?LOL, no pardon is necessary, but thanks for the offer.
The subject of your post is interesting, it's congruent to progressives that seem to have a hereditary gene of hesitancy, though I also could be wrong.