The Junk Drawer

I just thought it was a funny clip when they went wrestling on the floor, a real class act!
I refuse to watch "reality tv" in any way...people who can't write write that shit, people who can't direct direct it, and people who can't function in polite society "act" on it...I flatly fucking refuse to support so many untalented people trying to present "entertainment", that does nothing but illustrate how fucking horrible people become with even a little money or notoriety.
I refuse to watch "reality tv" in any way...people who can't write write that shit, people who can't direct direct it, and people who can't function in polite society "act" on it...I flatly fucking refuse to support so many untalented people trying to present "entertainment", that does nothing but illustrate how fucking horrible people become with even a little money or notoriety.
That's why it was posted to the junk thread for laughs, sometimes even Trump is good for a laugh, stupid often is.
yeah, but i can't laugh at something i refuse to watch...all i can do is look on sadly as others keep this trash circulating.
Most of American politics is dangerous trash circulating and for most Canadians it looks like the drunk neighbors wrestling naked in the snow on their front lawn! :lol: This is what the GOP primary debates will end up looking like FFS! MTG and Bobo have already been sparring in Kevin's nuthouse.
This is more telepresence than robotics and uses an operator in a suit with a helmet faceplate stereo display that puts them there. Hooked up with a fiber optic cable it can be operated in real time on the ocean floor, or by radio from a bunker on the moon, the operator protected from the space radiation and dust by several meters of regolith. Eventually they will become more autonomous and able to complete complex physical tasks on their own.

What would the effect of immortal billionaires have on society! The likes of Elon Musk would be first in line, and we would have an even bigger population problem if people lived 2 or 3 times longer, so look for the ladder to be pulled up once the elites get theirs.

What would the effect of immortal billionaires have on society! The likes of Elon Musk would be first in line, and we would have an even bigger population problem if people lived 2 or 3 times longer, so look for the ladder to be pulled up once the elites get theirs.

It doesn't make them immune to accidents, or murder, or being lynched by a mob who is tired of their fucking tyrannical bullshit.

the Margalorian
