Clearing out bugs before bringing outdoor plants indoors


Well-Known Member
What would you guys recommend for this ? Any products I can buy to completely eradicate any bugs on my plants or in the soil. I was seeing some talk about Dr Zymes.. any help/info is appreciated
If you have indoor plants and this outdoor one, I would not move it in. That simple. as for bug elimination, a citric acid spray is pretty good generic knockdown, zymes is citric based. Or mix it yourself. for soil bugs, BTI maybe for crawly soft bodied larvae. If you have ants in the soil, molasses will run them out. Again, if you have indoor plants and no bugs indoors, i must recommend not bringing it in. I brought a singly plant into a closet grow with about 8 others years ago, it brought in Dock Aphids and it was a nightmare.
If you have indoor plants and this outdoor one, I would not move it in. That simple. as for bug elimination, a citric acid spray is pretty good generic knockdown, zymes is citric based. Or mix it yourself. for soil bugs, BTI maybe for crawly soft bodied larvae. If you have ants in the soil, molasses will run them out. Again, if you have indoor plants and no bugs indoors, i must recommend not bringing it in. I brought a singly plant into a closet grow with about 8 others years ago, it brought in Dock Aphids and it was a nightmare.
I don't have any indoor plants just 3 outdoor ones I wanted to move inside ..thanks for the info
What would you guys recommend for this ? Any products I can buy to completely eradicate any bugs on my plants or in the soil. I was seeing some talk about Dr Zymes.. any help/info is appreciated
Your not going to find one product that is effective against all bugs. Aphids, mites, ants, gnats and other leaf eaters/sap suckers can be group together but you will want a different treatment for catipillars and beatles, and a different treatment for deep soil dwellers. I would not do anything to extream with out a known diagnost issue. Anytime i change a plants enviourment it gets a precoutionary spray of neem and/or citrus acid
Your not going to find one product that is effective against all bugs. Aphids, mites, ants, gnats and other leaf eaters/sap suckers can be group together but you will want a different treatment for catipillars and beatles, and a different treatment for deep soil dwellers. I would not do anything to extream with out a known diagnost issue. Anytime i change a plants enviourment it gets a precoutionary spray of neem and/or citrus acid
I just don't want them to get stolen and wanted to finish them inside
Been using neem oil n dead bug brew its working good
I just don't want them to get stolen and wanted to finish them inside
Been using neem oil n dead bug brew its working good
If you dont have any known issues and are just taking precoutions the cheapest least invasive thing to do woukd be wash the exposed part of the plant with a dawn solution. The act of washing will physicaly remove bugs that are on the plant and the oilly residue left behind will keep new bugs from wanting to get on it for a few days. Then put a layer of gravel or crushed sea shells on top of your soil. Any soil dwellers you may have will get fucked up when they mature and try and leave the soil for open air ans will not be able to reproduce