Meadows cooperating and testifying should scare the shit out of the magats in congress, Mark knows where all the bodies are buried and who requested a pardon over J6. Mark was at meetings with them at the WH and knows lots of stuff that can put some of them in prison, shit his phone alone might do that or at least provide receipts! :lol: I really do think that as chief of staff for the kingpin that Mark holds the keys to nailing republican senators and congress people as part of a conspiracy.

Meadows cooperating and testifying should scare the shit out of the magats in congress, Mark knows where all the bodies are buried and who requested a pardon over J6. Mark was at meetings with them at the WH and knows lots of stuff that can put some of them in prison, shit his phone alone might do that or at least provide receipts! :lol: I really do think that as chief of staff for the kingpin that Mark holds the keys to nailing republican senators and congress people as part of a conspiracy.

Meadows has no real choice … they drained his phone. It means that if he isn’t telling it on the straight and narrow, they’ll not only know when he’s lying, but how.

I half-seriously propose that if Time’s Man of the Year isn’t Zelenskyy, it should be Mark Meadows’s phone.
Meadows is in deep shit, listens to, and has wise attorneys. He has to pay for his crimes.

Why do all these Republican fucks act so guilty, when they're innocent?
The best way to pay is with somebody else's ass and senators and congressmen's asses are worth the most, Jack already has Trump's ass and doesn't really need to give out many deals for it. I'm sure Jack would be delighted if the evidence led him to Gym Jordan and others and would be giving out deals for them.

What I'm wondering is when they try these assholes for conspiracy, some will plead guilty early and testify against the rest during the trial, will we know if they plead before the trial? That's the way conspiracy trials work, they nail a couple of the participants for other crimes or the conspiracy itself and with their testimony for a deal and some receipts it pretty much done. Conspiracy is easier to prove than the individual crimes in many cases and everybody is as guilty of a serious crime as Trump himself.

Trump spirals amid likely third indictment

311,168 views Jul 22, 2023 #Trump #Indictment #MSNBC
President Donald Trump faces the possibility of two more indictments before the end of the summer. His former personal counsel Michael Cohen joins Katie Phang to talk about Trump's deepening legal woes and how the former president and his MAGA crowd could react to the possible indictments.
Good one, Beau.
The best date for the republicans would have been the one Jack wanted in December, it would have disposed of Donald before the primaries. Now evidence will likely be coming out during his trial at the end of primary season, Jack at least will be able to present his case to the jury and public by then. In any case he should be convicted by the election and perhaps disqualified in a dozen or two states over J6, no conviction is required for that, let him sue to get on the ballot or his suckers can write him in.
When you think about it Jack could get Donald locked up pretty easy as soon as he gets in front of the right DC judge, especially if he keeps mouthing off. Donald could be locked up before his trial and I figure there are DC judges ready and some even eager to lock Donald up. So far, the DOJ has made no attempts to jail Trump or even restrain him, enough rope hangs him when the time is right. After he is indicted in DC all Jack should have to do is oppose his release and present the ample evidence to do so. In a way Jack could have more control over the republican primaries than anybody else by locking up Donald over his numerous threats and menacing behavior before his DC trial even begins. Or just wait for the trial date in Florida and if Cannon won't lock him up for mouthing off, the DC judge will, and Donald can make all future court appearances in orange. Not much point in delaying his trials if he is already locked up in a DC jail.

The timing of all this could make a big difference in 24 and screw the GOP bigly as Donald goes down freaking and lashing out, at the right time. Best case scenario is Jack locks him up pending trial for something when he is either leading in the primaries or has them sewn up, but well before the convention and then the party establishment drops him from the ticket. It would cause a civil war inside the GOP well before the election, even if Donald was muzzled in jail. Divide and conquer them to win big and decisively and use Trump as a legal punching bag to do it, right now he is being legally "swarmed". Millions of morons will still write him in on the ballot, if he loses the nomination and patriots should encourage them to do it and it should be mentioned on the news...

As soon as Donald is safely locked up and muzzled, then the other republicans will make their move to disqualify him and go for the nomination, they will kick him when he's down.

Trump is a danger to the community. When indicted for Jan. 6, he should be detained pending trial

87,127 views Jul 22, 2023 #TeamJustice
The criminal justice system provides that, when a defendant is pending trial, if there is clear and convincing evidence that the defendant is a danger to the community, he/she is to be detained pending trial.

Donald Trump is a danger to the community. Every day, he ratchets up his dangerous, inflammatory rhetoric. As reported by CNN, he just said that if Jack Smith attempts to imprison him, it will be "very dangerous" because his supporters are so "passionate."

This video argues that, once indicted for his crimes on and around January 6, 2021, Trump should be detained pending trial.
McCarthy defends Trump: ‘I don’t see how he could be found criminally responsible’
Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) is defending former President Trump for his actions surrounding the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol attack, saying Trump had encouraged a peaceful protest that day — but did nothing to merit the criminal charges the Justice Department is said to be weighing.
“I don’t see how he could be found criminally responsible,” McCarthy told reporters Wednesday in the Capitol. “What criminal activity did he do? He told people to be peaceful.”

The Speaker’s comments came a day after Trump revealed he is a target of the Justice Department’s criminal investigation into the Capitol rampage, which was conducted by supporters of the former president who were attempting to overturn his 2020 election defeat. The so-called target letter is typically an indication that a formal indictment is forthcoming.

McCarthy’s defense of Trump marks a contrast to remarks shortly after the Capitol attack, when he took to the House floor to declare that Trump “bears responsibility” for the actions of the “mob rioters.”

McCarthy said he spoke to Trump on Tuesday after the former president placed a call to him, and that the conversation “wasn’t anything different than the time before.” He noted that they “talk on a regular basis,” but also suggested Trump was frustrated with the arrival of the target letter.
“Wouldn’t you feel frustrated?” McCarthy said.

McCarthy disputed reports that the call was a “strategy session” designed to unite Republicans behind a response to potential indictments, instead accusing the Biden administration of conducting such sessions for the purpose of targeting the president’s political adversaries.
“I think the strategy sessions happen in the Democrats’ Department of Justice, where they go after anybody who’s running against the president,” McCarthy said. “It seems as though — and if you go up in the polls you’re more likely to get indicted.”

House GOP Conference Chair Elise Stefanik (N.Y.), one of Trump’s fiercest supporters on Capitol Hill, also said she spoke to the former president on Tuesday following news of the target letter, before tearing into the development as “yet another example of the illegal weaponization of the Department of Justice to go after Joe Biden’s top political opponent.”

The comments came on the same day that House Republicans staged a high-profile hearing with a pair of IRS whistleblowers who accused DOJ prosecutors of slow-walking an investigation into Hunter Biden. Both McCarthy and Stefanik said the real criminal conspiracy lies there, not with anything Trump did surrounding Jan. 6.

“I would move to an impeachment inquiry if I found that the attorney general has not only lied to the Congress and the Senate, but to America,” McCarthy said, referring to Attorney General Merrick Garland.

McCarthy’s full-throated defense sets up a stark split screen with his GOP counterpart in the Senate, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who declined to comment on the Trump news when asked about it at a press conference on Wednesday, citing the former president’s re-election campaign.

“I’ve said every week out here that I’m not going to comment on the various candidates for the presidency,” McConnell told reporters. “How I felt about that I expressed at the time, but I’m not going to start getting into sort of critiquing the various candidates for president.”

After the Senate concluded its impeachment trial into Trump following the Jan. 6 riot, McConnell tore into the former president in remarks on the floor, declaring “There is no question that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of that day.”

“The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president,” he added.
Since then, McConnell has remained relatively silent when it comes to matters involving Trump, picking and choosing when to weigh in on politically charged matters linked to the former president.
I *knew* he was dumb…I just didn’t know HOW dumb
You mean Trump was fooled in the way Prigozhin was fooled?
The republicans gave him enough rope to hang not just himself, but them too. When they pull the trapdoor on him he will drop so fast his head will pop clean off and the scaffolding will collapse around him in a cloud of dust. Trump is a fool there is no doubt about that, but those who supported and voted for him are bigger fools.
Up all night freaking out and he should do more of it as the heat builds. I can see his court dates interfering with his sleep during the day, being stressed out and sleep deprived can lead to more impulsive behavior and trouble.
