Some tips for growing outdoors in Minnesota...
1. Buy seeds that mature in 60-65 days max. That will put the plants into late October for harvest. Short the flower time gives you crap weed. These plants can take cold weather, even had snow on them one year, but they wont take low 20s. The farther you are north, the more critical this is. Northern climes have long summer days, which delay flowering.
2. Start the seeds indoors (under a shop light, in a south window), about 4-5 days before 4/20. I live west of Minneapolis. This is the most work of the entire operation. You've got to keep the seedlings in the sun whenever possible. That or get a good lamp. Its only a 4-5 week PITA though.
3. Plant outdoors after the last chance of frost, about mid-late may where I am. You have to harden the plants off, but if you were putting them in the sun on warm days they are prolly already there.
4. Plant 10 seeds. Statistically half will be female. but streaks occur. In fact, I like going 12. Its basically a flip of the coin. I only got three out of ten this year. My friend got 10 out of 10. I need two good plants for a years supply. Plant yield for cannabis planted in the ground is about 2-3 pounds per plant, if the plant is about 8-9 feet tall.
These plants were first planted in dixie cups on 4/15. This photo was taken on 7/23. Height is about 7' 3". I've been doing this outdoors since the 90s. These will start budding at the end of august - usually the last week, strain dependent of course.