Blaze & Daze

Laughing Grass

Well-Known Member
You meet all kinds out there - though not all of them are as irrational as she was. When our offices were at Yonge & Bloor, I worked 24 hour rotating shifts and we all would need coffee @ 3:00 AM. I loved to help get the rounds cause there were some pretty interesting characters out at the time of the day.

Some of them were in that same coffee shop.

Working behind the counter even ...
Before covid I used transit more than I drove. I've seen some crazy shit on the subway lol.

Lots of nudity too... none of it good. :spew:


Well-Known Member
3 inches of rain with accompanying sound and light show from 2am on. I found I need to remove the leaf guard from the side of my garage roof where I gather rainwater from one whole side of the house. It was raining so hard the water flowed over the leafguard screen instead of into the gutter and thence to my rain tank. Scoured a hole in my as yet unplanted new salad bed lol. Glad it happened before I put any seeds in! But my rain tank was worrisomely low, now I should make it through August.

Good morning. Oh and we left all the deck cushions out last night @StareCase. Adulting is hard!


Well-Known Member
They are an impressive but a stinky beast. And they snort a lot.

That one looking at you has already alerted the rest of the herd to be ready to bolt.
They are amazing animals. I love walking the dog down there. A couple will always come to the fence to check her out. On occasion, the entire herd will come escort us around the fence line. If they have new babies, the herd will circle them and send one or two over to run block and escort us. I've lived across the street from them for 8 years this month and it NEVER gets old seeing them. The best is when the young ones jump around and play. They are so nimble for such massive animals.


Well-Known Member
... ugh that David Lynn guy? I saw a really intense confrontation with him years ago in the church wellesley village ...
We moved our offices to Simcoe Place in 1995 so I don't think I saw this Lynn guy specifically. Although I did have my share of those that liked to convey there message more forcefully than others. And some of those dudes liked to hang out around the Metro Library on Asquith Ave.

But one does find that the Urban Wildlife across from the Metro Convention Centre is pretty tame compared to places like Church Wellesley Village or along Charles St. Those down at the foot of Simcoe had to cater to the more sedate big business crowd.


Well-Known Member
... They are amazing animals. I love walking the dog down there. A couple will always come to the fence to check her out. On occasion, the entire herd will come escort us around the fence line. If they have new babies, the herd will circle them and send one or two over to run block and escort us. I've lived across the street from them for 8 years this month and it NEVER gets old seeing them. The best is when the young ones jump around and play. They are so nimble for such massive animals ...
They come closer? You are lucky.

There is a farm along the dog walk route and they raise bison. They have a herd of about 70 animals. And whenever I walked the Spud close to them, the alphas would always grunt and snort something to the rest and the herd would high tail it far away from the fence.

So - maybe it was my dog?


Well-Known Member
They come closer? You are lucky.

There is a farm along the dog walk route and they raise bison. They have a herd of about 70 animals. And whenever I walked the Spud close to them, the alphas would always grunt and snort something to the rest and the herd would high tail it far away from the fence.

So - maybe it was my dog?
Yeah, could definitely be the dog. Maybe just the herd is on higher alert. When we first got Belle, she got out the front door, ran straight to the Buffalo and got in their pasture and just ran around with them. My wife at the time went in after her. We found out later that that was an absolutely terrible move on both their parts. Apparently buffalo/bison can be insanely territorial and they are fast af boi. I like to think that Belle made some lifelong friends that day and that's why they don't really get aggressive when we walk over there. Haha. They do snort and keep an eye out though.