Are these too big to LST?


Well-Known Member
maybe the wasps lol - from google "wasps are predatory insects; they feed off other insects and spiders such as caterpillars and aphids. It is the female wasps that go out searching for food, paralyzing their prey with their powerful sting, masticating it on-site and bringing the remains back to the nest for everyone to feed on"
I was thinking that too when I looked it up lmao


Well-Known Member
Should be fine. If it bothers you, you can massage it a bit to even it out. I'd do that after it's been watered nice and thoroughly
Ok thanks bro
I've Been noticing the tips look like this on some leaves but today found a couple burn all the way down and half way down..have u ever seen somethin like this? I'm thinkin maybe the high heat last 3 days and crazy high winds today.
But the tips were looking like this a few days ago so Idk...only seems to be 3 leaves damaged burnt like this one on one plant and 2 on the big plant..
Maybe they're both reaching their new soil from the transplant



Well-Known Member
Nothing is ever too big to lst.

I've got a team of hoverflies protecting my plants :bigjoint:
In Nevada I had robber flies and assassin bugs. Robber flies would land on me in the garden and when grasshoppers took off they would fly off and snag them. Was pretty cool.


Well-Known Member
Nothing is ever too big to lst.

In Nevada I had robber flies and assassin bugs. Robber flies would land on me in the garden and when grasshoppers took off they would fly off and snag them. Was pretty cool.
I've Been just bending the branches a lil bit not bending them til I hear a crack but just flexing the upper branches a bit Does this do anything ? It seems like it's making them stronger


Well-Known Member
I've Been just bending the branches a lil bit not bending them til I hear a crack but just flexing the upper branches a bit Does this do anything ? It seems like it's making them stronger
Ya it will make the branches stronger as it causes micro breaks. I also only pull down closest to end shoot growth as possible as it's more flexible and only pull down until that bend gets tight or to the level I want.