Howdy folks,
Pollen Giver: I've tried both with success, sprayed tree(s) 2-3 times for 1 week before
going into bloom & sprayed at the start of bloom... continue spraying until a noticeable change
like nanners. Stop spraying, the tree will go into a "gender bending period" release pollen & die
(do not breath, have skin contact nor consume tree after, this is a toxic process...trash it).
I use the term "pollen giver (or donor)" because I sprayed entire tree-nodes, it is possible to do a single
branch carefully for "self pollination".
Pollination: Oscillating fans in front of pollen giver(s) (confined blooming mother area) or paint
brush onto flowers from collected//stored pollen.
Sprayer: The best hand sprayer for STS so far.... from a beauty salon supply, "fine mist" (5-8 fl oz trigger bottle).
The control & pattern release.... bitchen!