Examples of GOP Leadership


Ursus marijanus
The sheer volume of lies that issues unchecked from that man’s 3.14152hole is impressive, in the worst sense of that word.

Perhaps some bored (and not authoritarian) billionaire could have grand sport retaining a top-flight law firm to convert the hundreds of libels that man issues in a week into civil suits. It would be entertaining to see that man’s “so sue me” strategy applied in the other direction, and in a massive coordinated parallel campaign. He has recorded thousands of actionable defamatory lies on his travesty of a chat site. Imagine having to go to dozens of initial hearings every day.


Ursus marijanus
Death is about the only thing that can save him from a date in court and eventually with destiny. From the Whitehouse to the big house, America's biggest loser.
That is why, out of a sense of profound Schadenfreude, I wish him a long, lloonngg life.

From that same wellspring of amused cruelty, I would love to see him snowed under by a relentless incessant parade of lawsuits to fully match his own relentless incessant abuse of the system.

People think Nemesis is an avowed, implacable enemy. She is so much more! She is righteous retribution. She’s Karma in another idiom.



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Steve Schmidt explains how Donald Trump still holds control over the Republican Party | The Warning

39,008 views Jul 31, 2023 The Warning
Steve Schmidt explains how Donald Trump has still managed to control the Republican Party through a small percentage of primary voters. Steve breaks down how Trump's views are not reflected in a majority of Americans and they can not let their apathy result in Trump winning in 2024.


Well-Known Member
Broke ass Republicans

Looks like they aren't the only ones. Just what America needs the GOP broke and divided by Trump going into the 24 elections. Not unexpected since it is run by grifters and psychos, most of the big money left and just the white trash suckers are remaining to sending Trump small doner cash. Trump vacuums up all the small doner money from the republicans and it is killing house candidates who are getting a lot less of the cash for their reelection.
