Blaze & Daze


Well-Known Member
Deep dive here from a few days ago. I just picked up a small bottle of everclear to try to make a tincture. I have a bit of meh weed in jars and grove bags that won't get used by anybody I know that uses it. It's from my first couple grows. I think I'm just gonna decarb it all and use it for budder and/or coconut oil, and tincture. If it is not great flower, what kind of flower to everclear ratio should I be looking for?
I use just enough to cover the decarbed bud once I chop it up some. I use mainly the older stuff I have in rotation unless something new I just finished growing really catches my eye for making tincture. I let mine soak a lot longer than most going 7 days in the freezer so it gets all the goodies but it picks up more chlorophyll that way. Keeping everything frozen helps with that some though and I only use 8-12 drops in my coffee or Gatorade so the taste is fine to me.


Well-Known Member
I use just enough to cover the decarbed bud once I chop it up some. I use mainly the older stuff I have in rotation unless something new I just finished growing really catches my eye for making tincture. I let mine soak a lot longer than most going 7 days in the freezer so it gets all the goodies but it picks up more chlorophyll that way. Keeping everything frozen helps with that some though and I only use 8-12 drops in my coffee or Gatorade so the taste is fine to me.
Hypothetically speaking, I could soak it for the hour, strain it, save the weed in the freezer, and redo the process again if it isn't strong enough, right?


Well-Known Member
I would think so. Back when people used Isopropyl alcohol for the extraction they would do two or three separate fast washes like for 60-90 seconds and then evap each one separately to have different strengths. Most would end up combining the first two washes and then evaporating them. I've always used Everclear as I just don't trust myself to get all the isopropyl out of the tincture and Everclear works great at 190 proof.


Well-Known Member
I use just enough to cover the decarbed bud once I chop it up some. I use mainly the older stuff I have in rotation unless something new I just finished growing really catches my eye for making tincture. I let mine soak a lot longer than most going 7 days in the freezer so it gets all the goodies but it picks up more chlorophyll that way. Keeping everything frozen helps with that some though and I only use 8-12 drops in my coffee or Gatorade so the taste is fine to me.
What he said. I start with a full quart jar of chopped bud and add enough Everclear to cover. The 1 hour stuff I just made tastes pretty good actually. It may be because the bud was pretty tasty. I jar the primo buds and set aside the lower and larfy buds for tincture.


Smoke and Mirrors
Staff member
Movies are entertainment ... I either like or dislike the directors interpretation of the script. They don't trigger me in any way.

The anatomical incorrectness - the first few versions of the Barbie doll had tits that were a little too disproportionate for the torso.
Spoiler, but they might address her "incorrectness" in a pretty funny way O: possibly my hardest laugh of the movie, in fact


Smoke and Mirrors
Staff member