First Grow


Active Member
looks like overwater and want to stay under 85..where did you get those clones? a dispensarie? or a friend?


It hasn't gone over 85. The bubba kush hasn't been watered for 2 days and it got worse then it did in the picture. I stuck my finger to the bottom of the soil and it was pretty dry, a tiny bit damp at the very bottom.

I removed 6 of the lights to see if maybe heat was causing it


Well-Known Member
try googling a hydro shop for a electronic type ph tester, but for the soil, those capsules type ones from ace are perfect. YOu might as well grab those ph strips for the water so you wont need the electronic one just yet, maby down the road a bit. They are super handy. I saw the littte clone in the rockwool. Its barley rooted so its going to take time for that clone to improve in size. Do not water that clone. You should have kept it out untill it was fully rooted but since you didnt, it will need even less water. I keep my rooting clones under a humidity dome 78 degrees 80-90% humidity. They only way for unrooted clones to drink, is threw the leaves. Thats why I foliar feed and keep the humidity really high,giving th e rockwool cubes water once every 5-7 days. Takes about 15-20 days to be fully rooted. As for the coloration for the leaves. Im sure ph problems are causing this so you'll have to get back to me with the ph test results for me to confirm the larger ones problem. The litttle one too!


Active Member
Im about to throw my little guy away.

I got a ph tester and my water tested at about 6.8 and my soil was right around 7, maybe a little more

Right now the temp is 84 and the humidity is 38%. How can I raise it?



Active Member
is that stem kinked??? she might be too young to start tieing her..
Id also keep her in that same pot

i tied her down a few days ago, yes its kinked.

she's been doing a lot better.

the only thing is its starting to get cold over night. it dropped to like 60, but its not getting higher than 80 now


Well-Known Member
Man I dont know about the kinked stem...cant be good tho. the 20˚ temp change isnt good for them, it should only fluctuate around 8-10˚