Well-Known Member
I imagine DOJ is storing his indiscretions for future use

View attachment 5317143
Now that he has a muzzle on, he is gonna be baited and humiliated by republicans and democrats and unable to do his usual defense, he is a classic strongman to his base and weakness is fatal. Part of Donald's alure for the base was his image of strength and invincibility, he could get away with anything with their support. Only a fool runs for office while under federal criminal indictment and Donald is a desperate fool. The only good that might come out of this other than justice, is the complete destruction of the GOP, that might be Trump's lasting legacy.


Ursus marijanus
Now that he has a muzzle on, he is gonna be baited and humiliated by republicans and democrats and unable to do his usual defense, he is a classic strongman to his base and weakness is fatal. Part of Donald's alure for the base was his image of strength and invincibility, he could get away with anything with their support. Only a fool runs for office while under federal criminal indictment and Donald is a desperate fool. The only good that might come out of this other than justice, is the complete destruction of the GOP, that might be Trump's lasting legacy.
I don’t think the muzzle is the right metaphor. A muzzle removes the choice to misbehave.

He is under court order not to misbehave, which leaves him the choice to rave in his customary manner, but with the promise of immediate consequence.

His lawyers must be pulling their last hairs out trying to pound the foreign concept of discretion into his head.


Well-Known Member
I don’t think the muzzle is the right metaphor. A muzzle removes the choice to misbehave.

He is under court order not to misbehave, which leaves him the choice to rave in his customary manner, but with the promise of immediate consequence.

His lawyers must be pulling their last hairs out trying to pound the foreign concept of discretion into his head.
I keep imagining Trump restrained like Hannibal Lector.



Ursus marijanus
I keep imagining Trump restrained like Hannibal Lector.

View attachment 5317149
I’d be fine with him placed into some sort of detention. If house arrest, his residence should be stripped of every ability to communicate, clear down to disabling the networked refrigerator, lest he tap out Morse with the door.

Oh and hardwire his TV “on” and playing MSNBC. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Judge forges middle path in battle over Trump sharing evidence in Jan. 6 case
U.S. District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan at turns sided with the Justice Department and attorneys for former President Trump in a battle over how much he can publicly discuss evidence as he faces trial for seeking to overturn the 2020 election.

Chutkan hashed out a deal that gives Trump more latitude to discuss evidence gathered in the Jan. 6 case while blocking the sharing of sensitive discovery such as witnesses testimony gathered in the case.

The coming protective order in the case also follows recommendations from DOJ that limit the sharing of discovery with “volunteer attorneys” – a prospect Chutkan noted could greenlight the sharing of evidence in the case with the same group of attorneys that advised Trump ahead of Jan. 6 and are now listed as co-conspirators in the case.

“Mr. Trump, like every American, has a First Amendment right to free speech, but that right is not absolute. In a criminal case such as this one, a defendant’s free speech is subject to release conditions … and must yield to the orderly administration of justice,” she said.

“I don’t want this order to be over-inclusive. I don’t want to issue a blanket protective order over information that is not sensitive.”

She warned the parties to take “special care” in any statements they make about the case, saying she would ensure there was no “carnival atmosphere of unchecked publicity and trial by media,” a nod to language from an earlier Supreme Court case.

“The more a party makes inflammatory statements about this case … the greater the urgency will be that we proceed to trial quickly,” Chutkan said.

Chutkan went through competing protective orders paragraph by paragraph, repeatedly sidestepping any effort to interject politics into the debate.

Trump attorney John Lauro accused prosecutors of wanting to implement the conditions to stymie Trump’s presidential campaign, calling them “oppressive” and a “contempt trap” at one point.

“The existence of a political campaign is not going to have any bearing on my decision. I intend to keep politics out of this,” Chutkan said.

“I cannot and I will not factor into my decisions the influence it will have on a political campaign on either side.”

The hearing came after both sides volleyed over the extent Trump should be able to discuss evidence in the case, with attorneys for the Justice Department fearing Trump’s plan would allow him to reveal key evidence without context, which could intimidate witnesses and impact their safety while tainting a future jury pool.

“The defendant’s proposal is specifically tailored to try this case in the media,” DOJ prosecutor Thomas Windom said, adding that Trump was seeking a “blessing” for free rein to discuss evidence only provided to help him establish a defense.

He noted that Trump has already posted about several witnesses in the case.

Trump’s attorneys on the other hand sought an order that would allow the former president to discuss a wide variety of evidence gathered in the case — including sharing direct testimony from witnesses offered before the grand jury — while also sharing discovery with any volunteers or unpaid consultants working with the defense team.

“Truly, this kind of blanket order is extraordinary,” Lauro said during the proceedings.

“President Trump has the right to respond and speak about these issues.”

Chuktan ultimately determined DOJ didn’t show good cause for drafting a broad order that would restrict all of the materials prosecutors hand over.

But in the end, it may make little difference. DOJ said the majority of evidence in the case would be considered sensitive, leaving it out of bounds for Trump to discuss publicly.

The evidence is expected to be extensive. Windom said the first production will include 11.6 million page, though he said it was “extraordinarily well organized.”

“I can just imagine your motion for a trial date,” responded Chutkan, joking to Trump’s attorneys.

But after Trump’s initial win, Chutkan largely sided with DOJ, adopting their definition of what would constitute sensitive discovery to carve out much of the witness testimony the former president’s team expressed an interest in sharing.

“I’m finding it very difficult to envision a former president engaged in a political campaign talking about witnesses who may not have the kind of protections that he has. I could see the possibility for a lot of problems here,” Chutkan said.

“I can see how in advance of trial making public statements about potential witnesses is going to in and of itself affect the orderly administration of justice and could run afoul of his release conditions.”

The discussion then moved to Trump’s ability to review evidence in the case without his attorneys present, as well as his ability to take notes while reviewing the discovery.

At one point, the Justice Department nodded to conduct from Trump that spurred his prosecution for improperly handling classified materials at Mar-a-Lago, saying he could not be trusted with documents in the case.

“Defense counsel has trust in the defendant that the government does not,” Windom said, adding later, “He has shown a tendency to desire to hold on to material which he should not.”

Lauro protested, saying with Trump’s attorneys were spread thin across his multiple cases as well as their other clients and do not have time to “literally babysit” the former president while he reviews evidence.

While Chutkan allowed Trump to review evidence on his own, she barred him from using any electronic devices in the process, including photocopiers.

Chutkan said she would issue the protective order shortly based on her rulings at the hearing.


Well-Known Member

Trump is not ‘emotionally or morally fit to be president’: Conservative lawyer George Conway

130,347 views Aug 11, 2023 #Trump #Politics #Indictment
Will Donald Trump be convicted of crimes before the 2024 election? And could he ever actually see jail time? Prominent conservative attorney George Conway joins Mehdi to discuss Trump’s latest legal developments and the ex-president’s increasingly unhinged reactions.


Well-Known Member
It looks like Donald is up against equality under the law and that starts with indictment and a judge when things are done properly. If Donald is to be treated like a normal criminal defendant charged with very serious crimes, he will end up in jail or some form of close custody pending trial. He will get more warnings than a normal defendant, but he is too stupid and desperate to stay out of jail while trying to stay out of prison. Getting thrown in jail pending trial would be perfectly consistent with Trump's past behavior. He fucked up everything he ever touched, even getting elected was a failed marketing plan, he never expected to get elected and was completely unprepared for it. Now he is trying to stay out of prison by his own wits and he is a halfwit, I figure will put himself in jail before his trial, he will fuck up.



Well-Known Member
Equality under the law is as fundamental as the presumption of innocence and it is supposed to happen in front of the judge.

Judge Chutkan ‘clear’ Trump and his team will be ‘accountable’ if they violate new protective order

13,268 views Aug 11, 2023 #Trump #Indictment #Politics
Garrett Haake, Tom Winter, and Joyce Vance join Andrea Mitchell to discuss Judge Tanya Chutkan’s decision that the protective order in former President Donald Trump’s trial on charges in relation to the 2020 election will only apply to “sensitive materials,” not all materials shared in discovery with the defense. “Judge Chutkan is very clear about this, you know, if there is something arguably wrong that happens that could for instance, prejudice the future jury or could impact the safety of witnesses, she said in no certain terms today, that she will hold the Trump team accountable, even if something ambiguous takes place,” says Vance.


Well-Known Member
ooohhhhh......J6 judge isn't messing around.....

UPDATE: Trump's Lawyers are before Judge Tanya Chutkan in his protective order hearing related to posts he made on Truth Social. Here is some of the early dialogue taking place moments ago:
Trump's attorney John Lauro: We're asking the government to show good cause. Your honor designated those items under rule 16 and case law - extrajudicial speech, or public speech is not one of the good cause factor.

Judge: It is if that speech causes witness intimidation or harassment. It must always yield. Mr. Trump, like every American, has a first amendment right to free speech. But that right is not absolute.

Lauro: We don't have a normal situation.

Judge: What about a situation where a person is denigrating a witness? What is meant to protect that from happening?

Lauro: Obviously since prosecutors brought this case in the middle of campaign, Trump has right to respond to political opponents.

Judge: But that has to yield. Regardless of what is going on with his, I hate to say, his day job, this is a criminal case. The need for this to proceed in normal order and protect witnesses, integrity of process means there are going to be limits on defendant's speech.

Lauro: My client can't be subject to a contempt trap.

Judge: What we're talking about here are the parameters of this order. What we're all considering means there are certain things, if they have impact on the administration of justice or witnesses, can't be said regardless of what political activity the defendant is engaged in.

Lauro: If my client has a memory of something on the campaign trail that he wants to talk about, he's entitled to speak about it.

Judge: No, he can't speak about details of the case he's being tried on.

and right now i'm talking to my bookie to see how long he will last........ :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
ooohhhhh......J6 judge isn't messing around.....

UPDATE: Trump's Lawyers are before Judge Tanya Chutkan in his protective order hearing related to posts he made on Truth Social. Here is some of the early dialogue taking place moments ago:
Trump's attorney John Lauro: We're asking the government to show good cause. Your honor designated those items under rule 16 and case law - extrajudicial speech, or public speech is not one of the good cause factor.

Judge: It is if that speech causes witness intimidation or harassment. It must always yield. Mr. Trump, like every American, has a first amendment right to free speech. But that right is not absolute.

Lauro: We don't have a normal situation.

Judge: What about a situation where a person is denigrating a witness? What is meant to protect that from happening?

Lauro: Obviously since prosecutors brought this case in the middle of campaign, Trump has right to respond to political opponents.

Judge: But that has to yield. Regardless of what is going on with his, I hate to say, his day job, this is a criminal case. The need for this to proceed in normal order and protect witnesses, integrity of process means there are going to be limits on defendant's speech.

Lauro: My client can't be subject to a contempt trap.

Judge: What we're talking about here are the parameters of this order. What we're all considering means there are certain things, if they have impact on the administration of justice or witnesses, can't be said regardless of what political activity the defendant is engaged in.

Lauro: If my client has a memory of something on the campaign trail that he wants to talk about, he's entitled to speak about it.

Judge: No, he can't speak about details of the case he's being tried on.

and right now i'm talking to my bookie to see how long he will last........ :bigjoint:
Lauro doesn't seem stupid. He's doing what he can. But, he's a fool to get involved with Loser45. He has to know that. Let it be.


Well-Known Member
Lauro doesn't seem stupid. He's doing what he can. But, he's a fool to get involved with Loser45. He has to know that. Let it be.
He got paid up front, would be nice for him to win but paying the bills trumps getting Trump Stink on him. Oh I love it, A black woman judge with a big dick. So much for being soft on crime. Go girl go.


Well-Known Member

Jack Smith asks Judge Chutkan to set a speedy trial date for Trumps' DC criminal case - Jan. 2, 2024

83,390 views Aug 11, 2023 #TeamJustice
Special Counsel Jack Smith filed a brief with the court requesting a January 2, 2024, trial date in Trump's election crimes case, which will be tried in federal court in Washington DC. The prosecution brief makes clear that the American people, not just the defendant, have a right to a speedy trial.

This video reviews Smith's brief, and the cases - including a case involving the Gambino organized crime family - that Smith cites as precedent in his court filing.


Well-Known Member

Trump prison fears mount as Judge says he’ll be treated like any 'criminal defendant'

18,038 views Aug 11, 2023 #Trump #JackSmith #DonaldTrump
Blunt warnings for defendant Trump from Judge Chutkan in the election interference trial, as the first hearing in Jack Smith’s case was held today. Chutkan warning she won’t allow a “circus atmosphere” and that Trump will be treated like any “criminal defendant.” MSNBC Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber breaks down the judge’s warnings and the ruling on the protective order limiting Trump’s ability to speak about the case and “sensitive” evidence.


Well-Known Member
He got paid up front, would be nice for him to win but paying the bills trumps getting Trump Stink on him. Oh I love it, A black woman judge with a big dick. So much for being soft on crime. Go girl go.
A black female judge has a multiplier effect on a bigot and misogamist like Trump as far as getting him agitated and defiant. Wait until he appears before her in person, and she rips a strip off his ass for being a bad boy, talk back or the next time she sees him, he gets locked up. For good measure she should order the US marshals and SS in court to have a conference to work out the details of his incarceration, if required, that would send a message.


Well-Known Member
Now that he has a muzzle on, he is gonna be baited and humiliated by republicans and democrats and unable to do his usual defense, he is a classic strongman to his base and weakness is fatal. Part of Donald's alure for the base was his image of strength and invincibility, he could get away with anything with their support. Only a fool runs for office while under federal criminal indictment and Donald is a desperate fool. The only good that might come out of this other than justice, is the complete destruction of the GOP, that might be Trump's lasting legacy.
Several state RNC's are insolvent now.