Well-Known Member
this guy backs up what my US friend was saying about biden being soft on border protection
You should find out for yourself, the web is at your fingertips, you will find cross border migration is down and Obama and Biden cracked down on migrants more than Trump did but did it legally without putting kids in cages. There are a lot of lies and disinformation around the subject to whip up the xenophobic, ignorant and stupid, who fear competition for the scraps at the bottom.


Well-Known Member
he drives a jeep, n has one of those fluffy alaskan malamuts, i just talk to him about the non weed stuff you lot post in politics and such,

nice guy, meet him when i ran outa gas and he drove me to get more, and back to my vehicle
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You should find out for yourself, the web is at your fingertips, you will find cross border migration is down and Obama and Biden cracked down on migrants more than Trump did but did it legally without putting kids in cages. There are a lot of lies and disinformation around the subject to whip up the xenophobic, ignorant and stupid, who fear competition for the scraps at the bottom.
That is about the dumbest thing I've seen on this site.


Well-Known Member
Considering Trump could end up in this place, they had better clean up their act! However, DC looks like a good bet to lock Donald up before trial and put his trial on the fast track. He has been exploring the boundaries of his muzzle this weekend and these new indictments will stress him out and might cause him to mouth off some more. I'm wonder what his reaction will be when a black female judge rips a strip off his ass in court for being a fucking idiot. His arraignment in Georgia should be on TV and so will the big conspiracy trial there, court is carried on TV in Georgia and that means wall to wall nationally.



Well-Known Member
Is this "fake news"?

I was driving through MAGA country and the only thing that I could pick up was a rebroadcast of a Hannity show (He's gone down several notches since Fox fired him} He's still banging the fascist drum. He was droning on about the Biden crime family insisting that the story was all true and the evidence proves it even though any reputable source has gone over the Republican story and debunked it. So, he said the Cult leader's words. He said the Big Brother thing. "Only I know the truth. Don't listen to Washington Post or New York Times or any other of a long list of reputable sources. Just listen to me or Fox or other extreme right wing media outlets. We'll give you the real story."

Same with the post you responded to. Politico is a well regarded source. The fact is, June numbers are down, way down. As that article says, encounters at the border are almost as low as they have been in nearly 2 1/2 years. It's a facts based report. But people like Hannity and sources like Fox are telling the MAGA what they want to hear. It seems that Mericat is one of the cult who demand their beliefs be upheld no matter reality. Then he calls informed people stupid. That's cult behavior for you. They simply can't get over how well Biden is doing compared to their orange cult leader.

They went back up in July, which I'm sure MAGA will agree with.

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Well-Known Member
someone care to explain what that Beau guy was upto with the hookers when he was charged before
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Well-Known Member
if you read the post from someones wife or something i heard he got busted for transporting hookers or did i get that wrong

ill check my history
How often do you pick up prostitutes at night
  1. Today I picked up my 4th prostitute in the last 5 days from Santa Monica blvd in front of a 7/11. It looks like they are using uber to get to work also, and they always do pool and never tip. Is this becoming a thing now for others too? or am I the only one