Late to the journal party !


Here is my Girl Scout Pebbles photo , started 12/12 on Aug 1, a little less than 2 month Veg so this is 18 days into flower , looks like shes gunna do nicely! This is my first grow with a cheap LED light setup my friend gifted me , as well as my first grow in over 20 years . Stoked to see how she does.


ProPheT 216

Well-Known Member
Rollitup Advertiser
Here is my Girl Scout Pebbles photo , started 12/12 on Aug 1, a little less than 2 month Veg so this is 18 days into flower , looks like shes gunna do nicely! This is my first grow with a cheap LED light setup my friend gifted me , as well as my first grow in over 20 years . Stoked to see how she does.
That's a 2 month veg? The plant should be 4 ft maybe bigger after 2 months. Upgrade that light before another grow. Good luck


That's a 2 month veg? The plant should be 4 ft maybe bigger after 2 months. Upgrade that light before another grow. Good luck
it was vegged in our bedroom window just to see if an old bean would work (about 7 years ago i got the seed) ... the whole grow so far has been just for shits n gigs but it has rekindled my interest. and since i have upgraded for my next grow i just wanna see this one out


Well i went away for 6 days on holidays , and the person i trusted to water my plants took it upon themselves to move my lights closer . Long story short i came home to dried brown sugar leaves on my colas ... i removed them , and am trying to revive her by a technique i read about called backbudding . Its a hail mary pass at this point . Ugh all this work :(


well here she is after i trimmed away the burned parts , she seems to be swelling up nicely , no real damage done (i hope) water every 2 days mega crop 2 grams /L every second watering and once a week with banana tea ....temps have been pretty wonky this summer but its cooling down now i was measuring 33C in my closet at some points . RH is sitting between 35-45 this is week 5 i think , i need to do a better job of writing shit down

