How many of you will give in to RDIF chips?


Well-Known Member
As you already know, the mainstream media is trying to imply that a RDIF chip (Radio Frequency Identification chip) is going to protect you from terrorists. What a load of bullshit. I'm just sick of all this shit about "the war on terror". :evil: As we all know, the 9/11 attack came from the American government to trick Americans into thinking that we needed to go to Iraq to find enemies that were non-existent. Rockerfeller revealed this to Aaron Russo who let America know what was happening.

So basically, what I am asking, is that if the media keeps repeating to you that they need to "protect" you by inserting a microchip in your hand to track you, will you believe it? Will you follow all the other sheeple into the New World Order? (Includes invading other countries, the microchip, cashless society from the chips)

They want to track your every move by microchips, and if you protest, they turn off your chip so you can't buy anything or pay your bills.

Repitition is key to learning. They have the philosophy that if you keep telling the sheeple the same thing over and over again, they will begin to believe it. I won't.

Will you conform to a society where you're tracked and "chipped" like an animal?

Just to let Americans know, the war on terror is the war on your freedom. Which are already slowly disappearing.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I have an Id which will expire in 2009.I will not renew it.While I'd never voluntarily submit to anything being implanted, what's to stop them from doing it during a necessary medical procedure?If they really want to, I guess they're going to use underhanded methods to do it.It would suck having to dig it out on your own....:cry:
As you already know, the mainstream media is trying to imply that a RDIF chip (Radio Frequency Identification chip) is going to protect you from terrorists. What a load of bullshit. I'm just sick of all this shit about "the war on terror". :evil: As we all know, the 9/11 attack came from the American government to trick Americans into thinking that we needed to go to Iraq to find enemies that were non-existent. Rockerfeller revealed this to Aaron Russo who let America know what was happening.

So basically, what I am asking, is that if the media keeps repeating to you that they need to "protect" you by inserting a microchip in your hand to track you, will you believe it? Will you follow all the other sheeple into the New World Order? (Includes invading other countries, the microchip, cashless society from the chips)

They want to track your every move by microchips, and if you protest, they turn off your chip so you can't buy anything or pay your bills.

Repitition is key to learning. They have the philosophy that if you keep telling the sheeple the same thing over and over again, they will begin to believe it. I won't.

Will you conform to a society where you're tracked and "chipped" like an animal?

Just to let Americans know, the war on terror is the war on your freedom. Which are already slowly disappearing.


I have an Id which will expire in 2009.I will not renew it.While I'd never voluntarily submit to anything being implanted, what's to stop them from doing it during a necessary medical procedure?If they really want to, I guess they're going to use underhanded methods to do it.It would suck having to dig it out on your own....:cry:
why arent you renewing your id? lol

its another way for a cop to be a fucking dickhead


I don't drive, and I have no record.I rarely leave my house.Just to go and get groceries, or shit like that.
ah i see

you dont drive>????? whatt?TT?T??T??T??????

man when i cant drive (i.e. car breaks down)

i get so damn bored i wanna gouge my eyes out

do you have a friend or significant other that takes you everywhere?

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Yeah, my old man.I never did like driving.It's kinda like typing, I look at my hands.I tend to get very distracted by shit on the sides of the road,bright lights, etc.Not driving also means you never have to be the designated driver.:mrgreen:
ah i see

you dont drive>????? whatt?TT?T??T??T??????

man when i cant drive (i.e. car breaks down)

i get so damn bored i wanna gouge my eyes out

do you have a friend or significant other that takes you everywhere?


Well-Known Member
purple kitty, check your facts about 9/11 -- and no i would never get a chip put inside of me to be able to track where i am. i will also stick to debit cards and cash before they lock anything up.

i think u should step back into the box of reality -- there are middle eastern muslims who want you dead as part of their 'jihad' just because you dont follow their beliefs. the bush administration/journalist have way overused the word "terrorist." they've overused it to the point to where ppl dont know who the terrorist are anymore.

yes the goverment fuck up a lot. weed is a prime example of that. BUT THEY DID NOT CAUSE 9/11 TO INVADE IRAQ FOR 'NON-EXISTENT' ENIMIES. these enimies are real. if you dont believe in terrorist then go visit mumbai -- im sure you'll make a lot of friends there. dont be so naive -- look deeper into your facts (not what you've heard from other people)

and as for 2012 -- we made it through Y2K didn't we? 2012 doesnt predict the end of the world its just when the world's calender starts over. yes the world could split in half causing everybody to die but ill keep living just incase


Well-Known Member
I don't drive, and I have no record.I rarely leave my house.Just to go and get groceries, or shit like that.
I hardly leave my house either....but still.

I have an Id which will expire in 2009.I will not renew it.While I'd never voluntarily submit to anything being implanted, what's to stop them from doing it during a necessary medical procedure?If they really want to, I guess they're going to use underhanded methods to do it.It would suck having to dig it out on your own....:cry:
Forcing it by medical procedure is scary. I've worked in the ER before. But can really force it, what about private practices? Working as nurse, I wouldn't even agree to microchip someone. I'd say hell no
.:finger:kiss-ass<<<<<-------- that means fuck kissing the governments ass! the government is supposed to serve the people. Not the other way around. They are our servants. Its time to take back our country people. And if you live somewhere else, protest any merging of governments. This is one of the many things I don't like about my country, America wants to police the fucking world. Seriously, we need to back the fuck off and take all of our Army bases out of everyone elses countries. There are 190 countries in the world, and we have bases in 130 of them! WTF! Why can't we all just be free?!

i will make them kill me before i would bow down and accept the mark of the beast
exactly how I feel!!!! I'd tell them to shoot me dead before I become enslaved to their asses by a microchip by which they can control my whole life!!!


Well-Known Member
None of you are worried after all these bailout packages that the gov't OWNS EVERYTHING NOW, Banks, Auto Companies, Mortgage Companies, Etc. Etc.

We are all FUCKED NOW, They cant run the fucking country right, let alone all this other shit. It's all going down in a shit spiral and there's nothing we can do about it but SMILE!

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I'm sure there are doctors that WOULD do it, if the price was right and if the government resorted to such tactics. I do agree we need to stop trying to police other countries as much.I don't mind helping other countries in times of crisis, but not if we don't take care of ourselves first.
I hardly leave my house either....but still.

Forcing it by medical procedure is scary. I've worked in the ER before. But can really force it, what about private practices? Working as nurse, I wouldn't even agree to microchip someone. I'd say hell no
.:finger:kiss-ass<<<<<-------- that means fuck kissing the governments ass! the government is supposed to serve the people. Not the other way around. They are our servants. Its time to take back our country people. And if you live somewhere else, protest any merging of governments. This is one of the many things I don't like about my country, America wants to police the fucking world. Seriously, we need to back the fuck off and take all of our Army bases out of everyone elses countries. There are 190 countries in the world, and we have bases in 130 of them! WTF! Why can't we all just be free?!

exactly how I feel!!!! I'd tell them to shoot me dead before I become enslaved to their asses by a microchip by which they can control my whole life!!!


Well-Known Member

I never said anything about 2012.

The middle eastern people might not like me, but that doesn't mean I want my country over there terrorizing their people.

But thats ok, we are entitled to our opinions.
Lets get this straight, I'm not trying to insult anyone, but rather just
voice and opinion and ask a question. Which is would you comply with a microchip.

purple kitty, check your facts about 9/11 -- and no i would never get a chip put inside of me to be able to track where i am. i will also stick to debit cards and cash before they lock anything up.

i think u should step back into the box of reality -- there are middle eastern muslims who want you dead as part of their 'jihad' just because you dont follow their beliefs. the bush administration/journalist have way overused the word "terrorist." they've overused it to the point to where ppl dont know who the terrorist are anymore.

yes the goverment fuck up a lot. weed is a prime example of that. BUT THEY DID NOT CAUSE 9/11 TO INVADE IRAQ FOR 'NON-EXISTENT' ENIMIES. these enimies are real. if you dont believe in terrorist then go visit mumbai -- im sure you'll make a lot of friends there. dont be so naive -- look deeper into your facts (not what you've heard from other people)

and as for 2012 -- we made it through Y2K didn't we? 2012 doesnt predict the end of the world its just when the world's calender starts over. yes the world could split in half causing everybody to die but ill keep living just incase


Well-Known Member
you're so right! I couldn't agree with you more. Damn sell-out doctors. Kind of makes me a little sad inside because I want to do an accelerated MDD course.

I'm sure there are doctors that WOULD do it, if the price was right and if the government resorted to such tactics. I do agree we need to stop trying to police other countries as much.I don't mind helping other countries in times of crisis, but not if we don't take care of ourselves first.


Well-Known Member
We still stand a chance I think...
We just have to bond together.
If we have to resort to civil disobedience, then there will be
nothing we can't tell them to do. They will be under our thumbs,
which is where they should be now.

I'm not smiling. I'm doing something about it!
I've joined a group to shut down the Fed. Reserve (which controls us, the gov't borrows money from them and stacks on the interest which is why we're in debt as a country)
The government gave up their power to control and produce the money. Its sad they want to imply to us that debt is good. Such as getting loans that will take a lifetime to pay off, making filing for bankruptcy harder, and tacking on interest. The government needs sheeple to work off their debt. *Cough*illegal income tax*cough*

None of you are worried after all these bailout packages that the gov't OWNS EVERYTHING NOW, Banks, Auto Companies, Mortgage Companies, Etc. Etc.

We are all FUCKED NOW, They cant run the fucking country right, let alone all this other shit. It's all going down in a shit spiral and there's nothing we can do about it but SMILE!


Well-Known Member
purple kitty, check your facts about 9/11 -- and no i would never get a chip put inside of me to be able to track where i am. i will also stick to debit cards and cash before they lock anything up.

i think u should step back into the box of reality -- there are middle eastern muslims who want you dead as part of their 'jihad' just because you dont follow their beliefs. the bush administration/journalist have way overused the word "terrorist." they've overused it to the point to where ppl dont know who the terrorist are anymore.

yes the goverment fuck up a lot. weed is a prime example of that. BUT THEY DID NOT CAUSE 9/11 TO INVADE IRAQ FOR 'NON-EXISTENT' ENIMIES. these enimies are real. if you dont believe in terrorist then go visit mumbai -- im sure you'll make a lot of friends there. dont be so naive -- look deeper into your facts (not what you've heard from other people)

and as for 2012 -- we made it through Y2K didn't we? 2012 doesnt predict the end of the world its just when the world's calender starts over. yes the world could split in half causing everybody to die but ill keep living just incase
i hate to flame .. thats not what this forum is about. i will return in kind as you did to the poster.

check your facts : Iraq, Hussein, et al, did not fly a plane into the twin towers. they did not invade another country in over 10 years. they dont perform acts of international terrorism.

many countries have done, but nobody invaded them. Mugabe in Zimbabwe is a prime example, as is the PLO in palestine, and the afghan taliban.

Iraq was invaded for political reasons. please check the facts and tell me what iraq actually did that warranted any other country riding into thier country and blowing it sky high.

Since the invasion of iraq there are NOW many people that have an anti USA attitude, but who can blame them. and thats the result of the USA international politics.

/rant off

its not the place for a rant, but by christ im in the mood :)