Blaze & Daze


Well-Known Member
I don't use a formula. I know I looked at their charts once :dunce:
My water starts around 300ppm from the tap. I use 1 tsp/gal with one introductory feeding at a half tsp per gallon. My max ppm is under 1000. A sack of Maxigrow lasts me for years!
Do you give them some plain water in between feedings though ?

Some of mine look worse than others. My Chernobyl mom is really crispy

Here's another issue that other people have been complaining about too, in Amazon remarks. NEVER have had algae growth before!!



They are all moved into the tent....About to flush and feed, all in one! I have 5 strains here that I'll be starting from scratch if I can't save!


Well-Known Member
Do you give them some plain water in between feedings though ?

Some of mine look worse than others. My Chernobyl mom is really crispy

Here's another issue that other people have been complaining about too, in Amazon remarks. NEVER have had algae growth before!!

View attachment 5324566

View attachment 5324567

They are all moved into the tent....About to flush and feed, all in one! I have 5 strains here that I'll be starting from scratch if I can't save!

Are these in soil with perlite? The only time I have gotten the algae like that is overwatering with perlite. If it's soil, yeah, you should feed once and then water once or twice. Not necessary to go to runoff.


Well-Known Member
Got interrupted. If it is coco, I have recently (the beginning of this grow) ditched the perlite and trusted the coco to do its job. I'll never use perlite again if I don't have to. Also, if it's coco, you need to feed every time to runoff if you are hand watering. I use blumats and try to keep them very moist. So it isn't feeding to runoff, but it is constantly supplying fresh feed and oxygen.


Well-Known Member
4 hrs of paperwork done.:eyesmoke:

i tried to sneak it thru for billing, but the new kid caught it, made me do all my dumb reports.
Our old app use to freeze up and eat the reports if they were too big. Iv'e done it 3x for this location and gave up.
So i had to create the 400 spots in the database, label & populate them with data. BORING!


Well-Known Member
... With all the rains this year our lawns stayed green and lush throughout august. Even now they look great except where the hot tub was set up :-D ...
The ground is very sandy here on the Scugog shores. It doesn't hold the moisture that well so we need rainfall at least once per week. More often in the heat ... which creates this Catch 22. But I can hear the rumble as well. Let's hope we get hit with something soon.



Well-Known Member
I'm using maxigro then maxibloom in my SIP pots and they love it. Phasing out the maxigrow now and switching to just maxibloom. Today they got 1/4 tsp of MG and 1/2 tsp of MB per gallon of water. While they were vegging they got 1/4 tsp of MG with every watering. Once they started flowering I started adding 1/4 tsp of MB plus the 1/4 tsp of MG. Now that they have been flowering a couple of weeks I will be switching to 1 tsp of MB. The medium I'm using is Walmart Pro-Mix with a few scoops of left over potting soil.
Here's a couple of pictures from monday. They are 52 days from sprout, have been flowering a little over a week in these pictures.
They aren't complaining yet, though the one in the back is getting hungry.


Well-Known Member
Damn did we just have a storm...It was coming down sideways, heavy thunder, lights flickering....Temps dropped from 89 to 74 in a few minutes. I can hear it moving away...

Plants are all moved to the tent, flushed them good with maxigro, trimmed most of the dead leaves off, and fired up the big LED at 40% for starters.


Well-Known Member
I ditched their blurples - the flowers weren't that dense once they dried. Their SMD's grow them denser?
I have a 500w bar light with samsung lm301h diodes that punches above its weight I believe. I grow rocks.There are a bunch of recent demo grows with their xs1500 pro model which are pretty impressive for the wattage involved. Some of those growers are here among us now!