Blaze & Daze


Well-Known Member
Just made bacon and eggs over easy for the first time in months. Amazing what a little nip in the air does for appetite.

Or maybe it was the dabs of Chernobyl :weed:

We have a great cider shop in town, that makes fresh donuts daily, as well as cider and candy apples. So good, and so over priced, but usually go at least once a year.

Called an audible. Boss decided he wanted Wendy's so we just hit a drive thru. It's not bad at all.
View attachment 5326796
That looks better than it sounds

outside Dixie

Well-Known Member
The only light is sun Hair sack white and spreading but plant looks great.Kinda wild looking with it on it like it's suppose to be.I is a feminized plant. Must be gen fault that will be good i will try to get a pic. but that's not cool here.Nice looking bud with 6 or 8 hair and sack White real white like albino white pretty wild looking. Dixie