Blaze & Daze


Well-Known Member
I still have all 24 of the jars I bought 3 years ago. I like being able to clean and sanitize them when I'm ready to jar a new crop. No smell emanating at all once it's jarred. Pretty sure if it's sealed well and kept clean it will keep pot fresh for a year at least. No reason for me to change especially since they're long since paid for.


Well-Known Member
Today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day

So in honor of that, here is one of my favorite jokes ever. :D

A pirate walks into the bar with a steering wheel attached to the front of his pants.
The bartender says "I couldn't help but notice that you have a steering wheel hanging off the front of your pants"

The pirate says "AAARRRGGGHHH, and it's drivin' me nuts!!!!!!!"