Blaze & Daze

... Lucky. We are going on 37 years or so. Haha. Those fuckers are relentless ...
Only 17 years here - but I sympathize. From early/mid September until the weather covers their floral buffet, they show up in droves to graze on the dying vegetation in the lake.

We saw a flock of about 70 birds slowly drifting by on Saturday. This is the first of what will undoubtedly be many more armadas.
It looks like chilly mornings are here to stay. No more sleeping with the windows open for another 8 months or so :(

And I know Fall is near....A woodpecker was on my back patio looking for the feeders yesterday. About time to start feeding my feathered friends. I went through an amazing amount of birdseed last winter. I lost track, but at least 6 of the huge bags, and many cases of suet. They are entertaining!

I kinda miss our parents having to chase the geese away from the soccer fields so we could play. Hooooonk
Nothing like sliding through a fresh goose poo I bet.
Baseball we chased them away from the outfields between innings. Outfield grass must taste good.

And as a centre fielder, I often wondered this - why didn't geese ever crap on the infield?
They do, but they cleaned it up before you got there so everyone didn't get bird flu.

I tried Googling a picture of a kid covered in goose poo but nada....But you know it has happened!!
My seedlings are growing like fire. Like they might catch up to the plants that I nursed back to health.

I did something I have not done in years....I topped all teh seedlings, instead of supercropping. Not sure what got into me...I was going to do only one, and the next thing I know all 9 of them have been topped :o