Yeah....I am supposed to be cutting back. That's why I put up a tent instead of using the entire lung room like I use to.
I was thinking about it last night....Like what's my problem here...Greed?? I don't think so....I think it's that I like a big selection of weed, BUT i could just plant one of each.
Ugg, I might need GA...growers anonymous. I guess 2 flower tents isnt terrible...I can do 8 plants in one, and 4 in the other, and stay within the law.
On another note, I fee bad for NY's small commercial marijuana farmers. NY has screwed up legalization so badly!! The farmers all have most of their crops still from last year, and it's just about harvest time again. And now NY will allow BIG commercial indoor farmers to start growing AND selling their own products, something the small farmers can not do by law. The small farmers where supposed to be given a head start to compete against the corporate giants, but they can not sell their product because illegal sticker stores outnumber the legal ones 100 to 1. And NY allows these sticker stores to sell their counterfeit, dangerous products.