Is it normal to get a boner during flowering?


Active Member
Lol. I remember when I used to be so excited about growing. Not to say I don't still love it, but it's become more of a daily routine now rather then just a hobby that gives me boners. I'd say more like an occasional semi now.
Fair enough lol don't even get me started on a harvest day I'm literally shaking with excitement aka cloud 9


Well-Known Member
It's all good fun till harvest time. Then the real work happens
Since trim jail sucks so bad, and really cuts into my fishing time I bought a wet trimming machine and do a really fast fan removal then run it over the machine a few times then off to the dry tent
When it's dry, I go over it with the cannabrush. Made my life so much easier and I catch more fish now. Win win
I can't really even be bothered with trim anymore. I generally just bin it, and only use larfy or smaller buds for extracts.
I will however, keep some dry trim that came off with the cannabrush if I feel so inclined to make some butter or the like.


Well-Known Member
Fair enough lol don't even get me started on a harvest day I'm literally shaking with excitement aka cloud 9
Good on ya bro. It's an exciting time being a grow noob. So much to learn and try. Not saying I'm some guru or anything, just been around the block a few times so the 'excitement' is certainly lesser.
BE EXCITED! it's an exhilarating hobby, even tho plants grow so damn slow! Lol. Like watching paint dry. But slower. Lol
Lotta great people here to help you along if you need it so you've def come to the right place.


Well-Known Member
My excitement was growing guerrilla in the corn feilds back when I was a strapping Young lad.
Nothing like heading out at 3am with balaclavas, machetes and camo gear, cutting down a couple hundred plants, bagging them and running them out to the road where my ride would come pick me up. Load up the trunk and clench your ass tight hope you don't pass by r.i.d.e. or get pulled over smelling like you just had an orgy with skunks and youre holding them ransom in your trunk. Ran from helicopters, ducked out farmers, hunters, wolves, deer, trail cams, went through ride smoking a joint with 250 clones in my truck box... got robbed for approx 300 You name it. THAT got my heart pumping and boner city. Now I'm a tame med patient. No need for any risks anymore. I just grow my weed and smoke it. :). Happy as a clam


Well-Known Member
Ahaha! Lol see I'm the opposite I hate all that watering and waiting and i mean come on who hates harvest day gotta b the best amazing magical day 100% :cool::leaf::weed:
Lol. Just wait young padawan
Try trimming for 3 days straight, with 1-2hour nap breaks. Ive watched seasons 1-20 of the Simpsons probably 100x over.
That'll get ya hating trimming in a hurry. Lol (not the Simpsons of coarse that kept me sane)
Now it's an assembly line. Get the wife working and employ a friend or two. They get a 1/2oz dry per hour they trim for their choice of strain. (B nugs of coarse! Lol). Outsource!
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Active Member
Man that sounds like a epic adventure lol :eyesmoke: for sure it's like watching paint dry watching weed grow but I guess thats what makes harvest day super special and for me it always will be and never will get tired of it lol:hump:
My excitement was growing guerrilla in the corn feilds back when I was a strapping Young lad.
Nothing like heading out at 3am with balaclavas, machetes and camo gear, cutting down a couple hundred plants, bagging them and running them out to the road where my ride would come pick me up. Load up the trunk and clench your ass tight hope you don't pass by r.i.d.e. or get pulled over smelling like you just had an orgy with skunks and youre holding them ransom in your trunk. Ran from helicopters, ducked out farmers, hunters, wolves, deer, trail cams, went through ride smoking a joint with 250 clones in my truck box... lol. You name it. THAT got my heart pumping and boner city. Now I'm a tame med patient. No need for any risks anymore. I just grow my weed and smoke it. :). Happy as a clam