Be skeptical of your measuring tools

On amazon, you can usually click to look through the different list of seller options, and make sure it comes from that location. I used to do that before they started charging tax on everything a few years back, no matter what state it came from. I would purposefully buy from the east coast warehouses or any other state to avoid paying those BS taxes.

I also notice that it seems like 50% of the goods purchased on amazon are off in some way. Every pair of shoes are miss matched in some noticeable or minor way.. Plastic housings on many items that don't line up, off balance fan blades for fans, etc, I could go on and on... Basically, I'm convinced they somehow buy up all the bins of parts or whatever that didn't pass quality checks, and found some loophole to sell it as an authentic item.
On amazon, you can usually click to look through the different list of seller options, and make sure it comes from that location. I used to do that before they started charging tax on everything a few years back, no matter what state it came from. I would purposefully buy from the east coast warehouses or any other state to avoid paying those BS taxes.

Right. There's "ships from" and "sold by." Back in the day, anything "sold by" any other company besides Amazon, there was no sales tax. However, if it's shipped from Amazon, they will ship you the closest one to your address and that can be from a counterfeit seller and not the seller you bought it from.

Like you say, the only way to ensure it comes from the seller is to have the "ships from" be the seller and not Amazon. However, anything not shipped by Amazon is not Prime shipping so it will take a week+ and sometimes there is a shipping charge.