Charles U Farley
Well-Known Member
First camera I got around 1970 was a Miranda F. Around 1980, upgraded to a Nikon FTN, which is where I stayed until around 2000-2002, when my wife got me a Nikon 4300 digital. That same year I got her the original Canon Digital Rebel and we stayed with those two until this year. Used the 4300 (with a massive 4.0 megapixel sensor) on the website for 5 years until I got a Pixel 7 this year.
The capabilities of camera phones these days is just completely astonishing to an old fuck like me. Look at the dynamic range on this photo, from the perfectly exposed, individual LEDs on the SF4000 to the jet black shadow of the tent:

This is a point and shoot shot without any manipulation whatsoever from Google Photo software or Photoshop. Didn't do a white balance check, didn't check exposure levels, didn't check shutter speed or f-stop. Stuck the phone in the center of the tent and pushed the button.
And I didn't even have to pay for the film or go to Photomat to get it developed.
The capabilities of camera phones these days is just completely astonishing to an old fuck like me. Look at the dynamic range on this photo, from the perfectly exposed, individual LEDs on the SF4000 to the jet black shadow of the tent:

This is a point and shoot shot without any manipulation whatsoever from Google Photo software or Photoshop. Didn't do a white balance check, didn't check exposure levels, didn't check shutter speed or f-stop. Stuck the phone in the center of the tent and pushed the button.
And I didn't even have to pay for the film or go to Photomat to get it developed.