4th Week flowering


Well-Known Member
Hey all this is my first post on this site, have been reading quiet a bit and following some posts but have not participated till now.

I'm on my first grow and coming up to half way through my first plant and am looking for a bit of advice....

Xl Homebox
9 Feminized Power Plants
11lt Pots
All-mix Soil
Bio-Bizz Nutrients
Ph: 6.5
100mm RVK Extractor fan with Carbon Filter
600watt HPS

My Question is does this plant look ok?

I know this might sound like a very newbie question but i am a bit worried as it is comming to the end of my grow and i dont want it to go horribly wrong now!!!

The leaves on the upper cola seem to be always drooping down but not as a over watered droop or an under water droop.Was just wondering if this is ok and normal or have i got a problem on my hands

So any help is greatly appreciated
Thank you Guys


Well-Known Member
take a better picture! lol, hid lamps with magnetic ballasts cause that window blind look...

take a pic of it not under your hps


Well-Known Member
take a better picture! lol, hid lamps with magnetic ballasts cause that window blind look...

take a pic of it not under your hps
Will do i'll post it first thing in the morning...
The Plants are asleep just now, lol

I hate that flickering shit thats in the pics alright, it bugs the shit out of me, plus i'm only using the camera from my mobile.


Well-Known Member
seems to me it could be a radiant heat issue, but there is really no way to tell without more info/better pic and also a pic of your whole room so we can see where you lamp is at. temp, and humidity are things we need to know


Well-Known Member
seems to me it could be a radiant heat issue, but there is really no way to tell without more info/better pic and also a pic of your whole room so we can see where you lamp is at. temp, and humidity are things we need to know

I'll get all that info right to you once i get this first question out of the way, Just opened my other tent there and i'm not sure but i think i might have hermies...

As this is my first grow i dont know what they look like except wat i've seen from pics but i really would like all your help with this one....

Can you tell me if those plants in the pics is a hermiem,these are pics of one plant from a group in my tent, all of the other plants buds are starting to develop the same as this one!!!



Well-Known Member
Hey all this is my first post on this site, have been reading quiet a bit and following some posts but have not participated till now.

I'm on my first grow and coming up to half way through my first plant and am looking for a bit of advice....

Xl Homebox
9 Feminized Power Plants
11lt Pots
All-mix Soil
Bio-Bizz Nutrients
Ph: 6.5
100mm RVK Extractor fan with Carbon Filter
600watt HPS

My Question is does this plant look ok?

I know this might sound like a very newbie question but i am a bit worried as it is comming to the end of my grow and i dont want it to go horribly wrong now!!!

The leaves on the upper cola seem to be always drooping down but not as a over watered droop or an under water droop.Was just wondering if this is ok and normal or have i got a problem on my hands

So any help is greatly appreciated
Thank you Guys
I would cut back my nutrients , for the leaf curling thing. Other than that , they look like normal flowering cannabis,to me.:lol:


Well-Known Member
Thanks dude, gonna cut back on the nutes straight away and hope for the best...

I would cut back my nutrients , for the leaf curling thing. Other than that , they look like normal flowering cannabis,to me.:lol:


Well-Known Member
your pix shrunk,, toooooo small to tell........:peace:.........

I'll put some pics up again just now.....

I have a bigger problem now i think, I was highly stoned last night and might have fucked all my plants not sure its not good anyway..
I have 2 big Homebox tents and it's been annoying me that my plants have been a bit squashed in there

So like a big stonner i decided to take it all apart and hang my lights on the ceiling and rap my tents around them, putting my plants out in the room using the tents to reflect the light, but the way its been done i've now got a lot of light hitting them now even when there asleep, so i know this is very not good, but at the moment theres really nothing i can do, i'll take some pics and put them up, there asleep just now and will be back on again at 4 O'clock,i'll take some pics then, but i'm just really worried that my stoned up ideas and interference has fucked my entire grow, ahhhhhhhh


Well-Known Member
If your plants continue to get light during dark periods then you will most likely turn them hermie from the stress your putting on them....:peace:.....


Well-Known Member
If your plants continue to get light during dark periods then you will most likely turn them hermie from the stress your putting on them....:peace:.....
Oh shit I think a few of my plants have gone hermie already, not certain, could you post any pics of early budding hermies if you have any thanks!!


Well-Known Member
Here are some pics of the grow room as it stands just now after my stoned up night of stupidity, hopefully get most of it sorted this eveneing.....

Some pics of my bud formation too, was looking for some insight into hermies and if my poor babys are turned hermie on me, so if any of you out there could help me i'd be greatly appreciated of it....

Thanks Guys



Well-Known Member
There some really nice looking plants dude, I'm really hoping mine havent turned hermie on me.
My mate told me that Feminized seeds are more likely to turn Hermie with any small amount of stress to the plant..
And I'm sorry to say that my poor babies have really had nothing but stress there entire lives, between humidity issues, nute problems and moving the row area around all the time to suit the needs of both the plants and me..

As my plants out grew my tents (my own fault for trying to grow too many plants with not enough room in the tents) I changed the room around to try and make the space for the plants but in doing this i've also created a big problem with light getting to my plants while they are suppose to be asleep,

So to be honest i'd be amazed if my plants did not turn out hermie,,,, aaaahahhhhhhhhhhhhh

Can anyone tell me If one or two plants in your grow turn hermie, Does all your plants then turn too...???


your doing good,, dont know if any hermies though,,, here are some pics of mine at my friends house......:peace:......