Cocaine Stories - The White Devil

sweet. we get the MD in powder form, rarely as liquid.. never seen the tabs, would love to have one though.

we either take bombs (wrap md in a rizzla rolling paper and swallow) or snort it. it burns a little after a while though.

u get mdma in powder, if someone ever gave me powder i would smack them. we only get pills here. nd oh boy the last time i snorted e was liek 2 years ago hahaha never done it since, it fucked up everyones nose so we stick to popin them. and yea sometime we crush a pill to powder wrap it in a zigzag or rizzla w/e and swallow it , its called parachuting here and u deff get the affect quicker.
u get mdma in powder, if someone ever gave me powder i would smack them. we only get pills here. nd oh boy the last time i snorted e was liek 2 years ago hahaha never done it since, it fucked up everyones nose so we stick to popin them. and yea sometime we crush a pill to powder wrap it in a zigzag or rizzla w/e and swallow it , its called parachuting here and u deff get the affect quicker.

im not bothered about what form its in... as long as my friend has that bag of shit full with "red" written on it, im happy lol.

bombs/parachuting is a good fast hit i agree. first time i did it, it didnt work that well. dipped my finger after a while and booooom! i was like homer simpson after licking that poisonous frog.

i must disapper now, away to pick up some puff :mrgreen:
im not bothered about what form its in... as long as my friend has that bag of shit full with "red" written on it, im happy lol.

bombs/parachuting is a good fast hit i agree. first time i did it, it didnt work that well. dipped my finger after a while and booooom! i was like homer simpson after licking that poisonous frog.

i must disapper now, away to pick up some puff :mrgreen:

hahaha alright man catch later :peace: happy smoking :mrgreen::joint:
my friend did too much coke and he died. that's the craziest story that I can tell pertaining to coke, I myself have never tried it because of that. now I have another friend who has become addicted...and half the guys on his dormitory floor in college are drug addicts.
my friend did too much coke and he died. that's the craziest story that I can tell pertaining to coke, I myself have never tried it because of that. now I have another friend who has become addicted...and half the guys on his dormitory floor in college are drug addicts.

that shit hits hard in college i heard, i never went tho so i wouldnt no, but my friends tell me stories.
that shit hits hard in college i heard, i never went tho so i wouldnt no, but my friends tell me stories.

Oh yeah...

All of my clientele in Florida (when I was there for college) was nothing BUT college kids. Their noses are the thirstiest. Luckily for me I moved and gave up the selling of hard shit.

Oh yeah...

All of my clientele in Florida (when I was there for college) was nothing BUT college kids. Their noses are the thirstiest. Luckily for me I moved and gave up the selling of hard shit.


haha yea, i do it occasionaly but never have the mind set to get addicted to it, ive done it over 100 times probably to.
I used to do alot of coke, now i have heart disease!!!! Great story right?
not going to try and preach to all of you still riding that wave, but be warned, it will catch up to you!
haha yea, i do it occasionaly but never have the mind set to get addicted to it, ive done it over 100 times probably to.

Yeah...I'm back in my mind frame of more organic methods of getting high i.e. weed and shrooms, and feel the need to keep away for the harder chemicals. I think my body deserves a break from them. Hell, I drink beer and that's enough for the synthesized chemicals...I don't even drink sodas anymore

I used to do alot of coke, now i have heart disease!!!! Great story right?
not going to try and preach to all of you still riding that wave, but be warned, it will catch up to you!

another reason I wanna stay away from it...

scary stuff, yo...

Yeah...I'm back in my mind frame of more organic methods of getting high i.e. weed and shrooms, and feel the need to keep away for the harder chemicals. I think my body deserves a break from them. Hell, I drink beer and that's enough for the synthesized chemicals...I don't even drink sodas anymore


agreed :peace: and yea alcohol is 1 of my favourites to just chill. I dont drink soda ny more niether :P
I used to do alot of coke, now i have heart disease!!!! Great story right?
not going to try and preach to all of you still riding that wave, but be warned, it will catch up to you!

u sure u got heart disease from coke? , im not doubting it just would liek to know if u know for sure it was from that.
u sure u got heart disease from coke? , im not doubting it just would liek to know if u know for sure it was from that.

Hell, even if it wasn't a direct cause, I'm willing to bet it was a contributing factor. My old boss from a few years ago is having hella heart troubles now and he's been a giagantic coke-head since as long as I've known him. I mean, he wasn't exactly the smartest about it, considering he had heart troubles before and was still snorting (and I think he still is) but I know for a fact that it's all catching up to him now.

Hell, even if it wasn't a direct cause, I'm willing to bet it was a contributing factor. My old boss from a few years ago is having hella heart troubles now and he's been a giagantic coke-head since as long as I've known him. I mean, he wasn't exactly the smartest about it, considering he had heart troubles before and was still snorting (and I think he still is) but I know for a fact that it's all catching up to him now.


yea truee to that :peace:
u sure u got heart disease from coke? , im not doubting it just would liek to know if u know for sure it was from that.
Confirmed by my doctor!!! i had to go to the ER after doing a G because i couldnt get my beat under control, since then i've had an irregular heartbeat.
Not to mention the countless cases of young people dying from cocaine induced heart attacks.
Now i LOVE cocaine, so dont get me wrong here, but it is just not safe. Even if it doesnt directly cause you serious health problems, it is a catalyst to many terrible troubles...
Confirmed by my doctor!!! i had to go to the ER after doing a G because i couldnt get my beat under control, since then i've had an irregular heartbeat.
Not to mention the countless cases of young people dying from cocaine induced heart attacks.
Now i LOVE cocaine, so dont get me wrong here, but it is just not safe. Even if it doesnt directly cause you serious health problems, it is a catalyst to many terrible troubles...

u went to er after only a g? wow man ur tolerance must be low. i did about a 8 ball in a night and i was good to go.
u went to er after only a g? wow man ur tolerance must be low. i did about a 8 ball in a night and i was good to go.

it happens to some people. the same way SOME (but not most) people get addicted to the sweet leaf.

there's always a small percentage of the population that will be affected by certain drugs in ways much different from most.
I can confim the marijuana being addictive part. Not physically. I just get really irritable and would do almost anything for weed.
Could be my tolerence is low, or could be i got really pure stuff. I hope all those 8 balls dont get to you.

Don't feel bad bro, I took myself to the E.R. after a night of making a grand off some really good raw. I mean, when we tested the stuff it was 75% pure...we're talking fishscale. So after being excited about making money and having GREAT shit left over, I blew through 2 grams in about 2 hours and didn't really know what to do with myself after that. Heart was racing and I kept thinking I was gonna die and knew at that moment that I needed something to slow me down...went to the hospital where they pumped Ativan through my veins and made sure I didn't fuck up my heart. Scary shit...that opened my eyes up to the dangers. Unfortunately I didn't stop then, but I definitely slowed down and learned to pace shit out.

Happy to say I'm clean and free of that stuff now and sticking to my ganja!!!


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