Well-Known Member
I know right! Maybe I do fall hard for the ones who share my point of view of the world, and the music i listen to, and the things I do she does...Its just sick how alike we are. She keeps telling me how a blue eye'd brown hair'd guy is so freaking rare and gorgeous, and im telling her how attractive she is. IT was freaking redic. Imagine just being drawn to someones lips. Not caring about anything but her, and her not caring about nothing but you. We both had no cares except of one...each other.if your using the word love after a week (i don't care how "intimate" it was) you've got some serious problems bro. and imo you should never second guess yourself for having respect for a woman as you did. props for that. good luck sounds like you fall way too easy to me.
Fall hard? yes. But only for the right girls